Bound For Glory

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Finally. Bound for Glory was here. Despite not having a match anymore Rosemary was quite pumped up. She wanted to watch Allie try to win the knockouts title, she wanted to see if Eli Drake would be able to keep his title. This was her first solo Bound for Glory. Last year she was with Steve and Abyss but this year she had no one by her side apart from Allie. She knew who was going to win between Grado and Abyss, well if Laurel didn't get involved. But she knew what to do if that happened.
"Why are you putting yellow in your hair??" Steve asked curiously.
"I got told to change my appearance with it being one of the biggest pay per views. So I'm putting yellow in the bottom of my hair and I'm wearing my red and black leather outfit thing." She replied still doing her hair.
"Tell me what you are doing at Bound For Glory."
"Nope you're going to have to watch it aren't you??" After this comment Steve went into a mood because he really didn't want to watch it.

After the show

Steve had decided that he would watch the show. Good thing as well because Rosemary was obviously going to be in bad way after Abyss had choke slammed her into the thumbtacks. When he arrived at the arena he went straight round to Rosemary's changing room, knocked, and went inside. Allie was sat behind Rosemary pulling countless amounts of thumbtacks out of her. Rosemary was also pulling them out of her arm.
"Seriously Rosemary why do you get involved in this stuff?!" Allie asked her however Rosemary was in another world looking into the space. Allie pulled another thumbtack out her back which snapped her back to focus. Allie repeated her question.
"Laurel was going to hurt Abyss with his own weapon. I couldn't have her doing that. I just need to get Steve to come back and then Decay will reunite. I'll even think about seeing they will agree to having no you join. That's what I was just thinking about. Have you got all them out?"
"Yeah. I think you have a visitor." Rosemary turned around to see Steve standing there.
"How long have you standing there?...."
"You know I'm not coming back."
"That long....." Steve didn't want to be in the conversation so turned around and left. Allie had went to the toilet to wash Rosemary's blood from her back off her hands. When she came back Rosemary was getting a vest on to go after him but Allie stopped her.
"You're not going anywhere you can see him later. Give him time to cool off."
"Fine. But can you give me a lift home??"

Sooooo. Thought I would do a BFG chapter even though it is a bit late. Please vote and comment. Might be updating again today but probably won't.

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