The Argument

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She didn't want to go inside but she wanted to make sure Steve was ok. Eventually she decided that would have to go in - it was getting cold. She entered the front door and walked slowly through the sitting room hoping Steve hadn't noticed her. This did not go to plan as she walked into the wall while making sure Steve wasn't looking. Ignoring the fact that Steve had turned around Rosemary walked to the bedroom and ran a shower. After her shower she found Steve lying on the bed on his phone.
"Listen, Steve, I know I'm not your favourite person at the moment but just hear me out." She started.
"No! You know I'm not going back to that shit hole you call a work place! I don't care about Decay! I don't care that TNA need another tag-team! I was sick of the way that they were treating me! And to be fair I was sick of you!" Steve exploded.
"Oh right... I guess I'll get my stuff and go then." Rosemary grabbed some clothes her wrestling gear stuffed them in a bag and walked out.
"Rosemary! It didn't mean to come out that way! Come back you've got nowhere else to go!"
"I do! Allie's!"

1/2 hour later

Rosemary was on the verge of tears. She hated it when her and someone close had an argument. She felt like she would lose them. Just after she knocked Allie came to the door and clearly had the shock of her life seeing Rosemary standing there.
"I didn't wake you did I?" Rosemary quietly asked. She was guilty enough already. Braxton came to the door and told Rosemary to come inside.
"I'm gonna get straight to the point. Would I be able to sleep here for a couple of nights?" She asked not really wanting to explain the situation. Allie quickly caught on and told Braxton what happened in the changing room. Rosemary then went on to tell them what had just happened. Well tried. She burst into tears and went to the bathroom. Allie froze on the spot as it must have been bad if Rosemary was crying. Steve had just gotten outside of Allie's house and just decided to listen. His head was right next to the toilet so he heard everything Rosemary said.
"Allie I'm fine. No I wasn't crying!" She said. After around 5 minutes Steve knocked on the door to apologise to his girlfriend who politely denied it.

A/N: should this be the end of the book or do you want Rosemary to find someone else. Maybe Allie and Braxton aren't married so Allie could be a possibility or any other wrestlers in mind. Comment below or PM me to request. Also check out my other book (Rip It or Ship It) and request on that please!!

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