Chapter 26

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Waking up, I head downstairs and leave a note to Rin or whoever would look for me, saying that I was heading back to the dorm. Once I was back, I decided to have a shower, hoping the hot water will help with getting rid of the tension in my skin and give me a clear head, trying to put myself back as what I use to be, before interacting with everyone.

There was something in the air, that left me uncomfortable and I thought it would be nice to see Shiemi and her mother, since I haven't seen the two for a while, besides I think being around the two would actually help me in a sense....

"Maybe I can somehow persuade Shiemi into falling for either Rin or Yukio... even look after them when I'm gone, or have to leave" I said in thought.

Grabbing my keys, I use it to transport me to a door closest to the chop and transform into my fox form as I ran through the rain, not really caring if I got wet, even though I only just finished having a shower... but when I was running through the rain to get to the shop, I felt many eyes on me, as if they were there only to watch me and me alone.

Coming to the shop, I could just barely make out a scent. One was of Shiemi and one of a woman, but it left a churning sensation in my stomach, like I was going to throw up. I saw a green men demon and it smiled to me, gesturing me to follow it and I did, going to Shiemi's room and down some hidden stairs, I found myself in what appeared to be a hidden dome filled with friendly plant demons, nature and Shiemi, but she wasn't alone, she was treating a woman's wounds and as soon as I took a whiff of her scent, I knew she was the one who attacked the monastery... but I didn't attack, or do anything, I simply came forward and greeted Shiemi.


"Huh! Minami!" I only smiled to her and returned to my human form.

"Your friends brought me here, though it seems I might have come at a bad time"

"Oh, no, you haven't. Could you help me with treating her wounds?" -Shiemi

Many things in me wanted to refuse, to kill this woman.... That's what my body told me anyway, but my heart and mind refused. There was more to this situation then meet this woman's actions, there was a particular tug from her, through spiritual connection and I wanted to see how things would unfold... looks like I'll be doing things differently now.

"Sure, what do you need help with?" Shiemi told me some things and I followed her orders, but far off near the opening, I felt a presence.

Looking through the corner of my eye, I saw a white snake, obviously Shura's familiar... I let a little bit of my power be known to it and all around me, but it was more towards the snake than the green folk. Shiemi saw my odd stance and looked to the spot seeing nothing, only to then have an idea form in her head and tell me she's going to call Rin for help, though deep down, I knew this wasn't going to go well.

"Sure, I'll keep an eye on her" I gave, watching her leave the place and go put in the call.

A little bit later, I felt the sleeping woman stir, showing that she will wake soon and transformed into a crow, perching myself on a tree branch nearby, waiting for her or Shiemi. Watching the two from afar, talking, was really nice and the green men's reaction to this woman showed that she wasn't a threat at all, just a misunderstood person. I fly over to a bush and turn into a wolf, coming over to the two women and lay myself beside this woman, using my tail, to circle behind her and she gave behaviours of surprise, only to have Shiemi console her.

"Don't worry, this is Minami. She's very friendly, she seems to like you" to which the woman looked me in the eye and found the confidence to stroke my head.

"Her coat is soft and she's very sweet" she replied and I licked her hand as thanks, though being mindful of her wounds.

Shiemi then began talking to her about her grandmother and the fact that this was her hidden garden that she promised to protect, sharing her words of wisdom and dreams. The green men were interacting with us and some even crawled onto me having their own little fun, while I calmly let them do as they please, feeling the splendid aura, this place held. Resting my large head on my paws, I let some of the demon's crawl over my face and told them through a link to be careful of themselves and me. Shiemi and this woman were having a lovely bond. Shiemi came forward and grabbed the woman's hands, asking if she would be her friend, because other than her grandma, no one knew about the story of Amahara and it made her quite happy.

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