Chapter 1

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  Totally darkness...that all you've ever seen all your life. Your father told you to hide it never letting anyone close enough to figure out you were blind. Which you did, having no other choice in the matter.Over the years you learned to relay on your hearing to distinguish the people around you. You had walked the halls enough to find your way to your fathers office with little trouble. 
"(Your name) do you know why your here?" Your father asked once you stepped in the door of his office.
"I do not, sir." You crossed the room to stand in front of his desk.
"A man is coming this afternoon. He is to be your husband. This is want is best for the company." He said wasting no time getting to the point.
"But sir what abo-"
"Doesn't matter! It's been set in stone! I want to hear no more about it!" He shouted not wanting to what you had to say.
You shout your mouth. It slipped your mind that he hate you bringing up the fact the you had a handicap  or anything else you had on your mind for that matter.
"Yes, sir."
You turned around and walked out the same way you came in.
"Lady (your name)! I heard the good news. I'm so happy for you! Your getting married!" Mary-Ann said her voice growing closer to you from behind you. Mary-Ann was a maid you actually liked. You turned towards her voice.
"Oh yes, thank you. Would you mind, I trust your opinion, would you pick out an evening dress for me."
"Oh I would love to." 

Mary-Ann walked with you back to your room talking your ear off about the wedding. The more she talked the worst you felt about it.

Once in your room you sat down on your bed while Mary-Ann searched your wardrobe.

"Oh this pastel is cute. Oh but so is this rose color, no no no this would make your eyes pop." She put the dress in your lap. You touched the silken fabric and ruffles.
"It's perfect." You said smiling

Your father escorted you down the stairs.
"(Your name) this is Takashi Morinozuka, your betrothed."  

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