Chapter Fourteen: Baby Daddy Issues

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They rested on the Fox who held them close to his body and kept them warm. Danzo was agitated but in the end had to let it go.

Naruto also didn't trust the man, the way he spoke and acted irked her and she knew she didn't want her children anywhere near him.

Kakashi also spoke against danzo training them. He'd seen what the man's root anbu ninjas were turned to a perfect example was tenzo, a boy he rescued from orochimaru's lab.

The child was sent to an orphanage and somehow ended up in Danzo's hands, it took blackmail and the third Hokage to save his friend and personally he wasn't willing to risk his cute little student's children to that monster. (I really hate Danzo btw)

Sakura didn't have much to say, she had grown up in a very sheltered home. Her parents had barely made chunin and never would've expected her to reach a jonin level much less be an elite jonin like she had.

Her family wasn't anything special, they weren't a prestigious clan but a very simple civilian clan that sometimes breeded strong children who were able to become ninja. She had been one of those lucky children . Even when she was a elite genin that had been a major accomplishment.

Most of the people from her clan only graduated as normal genin, but she'd graduated with the talented clan heads. She then became a chunin at 14 which was unheard of in her clan. Some only reached that level in their early adult lives around 20-21 and that was if they made it. But what really took the icing to the cake was her Elite Jonin rank.

Being 18 and one of the only Jonin in her clan history was a milestone. But even with all that she was still not informed enough about these shinobi clan matters to place an input. But deep down she agreed with Naruto and voiced her agreement with her teammate throughout the discussion.

Tsunade was very pleased with the small logical inputs sakura placed in the conversation. The older woman hated the controlling nagging council. They were hellbent on treating her as if she had no idea what she was talking about.

But one thing Tsunade could say was that Danzo was to stay away from the children. The man never sat right with her. He was sneaky and manipulative, and if that wasn't all she knew he was hiding something.

The way he acted gave it away and she tried to shut the man up before he could say more.

In the end of the discussion Naruto resealed Kurama and carried the twins home.

For once Naruto didn't feel the glares pointed towards her.

Some even saw her as a disgrace for being such a young mother But She didn't care she was used to the criticism but anything against her two sweet little angels and she'd skin e'm.

The twins were sleeping soundly as their mother carried them, the uchiha symbols proudly displayed on their back. It shocked people as they watched her walk by, her children most certainly looked Uchiha and the symbol showed that they were.

Naruto arrived to her  small apartment and took the twins to their bedroom. Both of them curled up against each other as they snored softly.  She covered them in a blanket, kissed their forehead and gently shut the door.

She sighed as she stood outside their doorway. How was she going to bring Sasuke back? Was he even the same person now, that he was back then? Would he care for the twins or just push them to the side as if they didn't matter.

Why was everything so complicated?

She looked around and began cleaning her apartment. She'd see what she would do when the time came for it, but now she had to move forward.

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