Chapter 2: Blink

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There was a loud pounding on my door. Someone found me somehow.

"Open up!" yelled a voice from the other side. "I know you're in there!"

Shit, I thought. How did they find me? Oh well. Doesn't matter. I'll have to fight my way out. I grabbed my sword and pistol, and got ready to open the door.

I looked through the keyhole, and saw four guards standing outside.

This will be interesting, I thought to myself. I was about to run them through with my sword, when they shot the lock and swung the door open.

"There he is!" yelled one of the guards. He raised his pistol. "By order of the Overseer, you have to come with us. You have been convicted of theft and murder."

I swung at him, causing him to back up. The others unsheathed their swords.

"Go to Hell", I spat as I raised my pistol.

The guards all came toward me, swinging their swords. I blocked most of it, but one of the guards managed to get a large gash in my sword arm.

"Aaghh! Damn!" I yelled as my sword fell to the ground. They threw it out a window, sending it into the river. I raised my pistol to one of the guards, and fired into his chest. It sent him back a couple of feet.

"You just make someone a widow, you bastard!" yelled a guard. He slammed the gun out of my hand with the flat of his blade. It went sliding across the floor.

"Nowhere to run, now" the guard said, as he raised his sword, about to strike.

I raised my left hand, hoping to block it somehow. Then, thats when I noticed the mark on my hand. The same one from my dream. It began to faintly glow, and then a gust of wind blew into the guards, throwing them against the wall.

"Whoa!... How'd I do that?" I said, as the mark stopped glowing. I looked at the guards. They were out cold.

Well, I sure as Hell can't stay here, I thought to myself. Where else can I go?

I looked out the window. My sword was gone, lost in the river somewhere. I'm almost out of ammo for my pistol. I searched the guards for anything useful, but all I found was a few bullets, a couple of grenades, and a key engraved on the side.

"Dunwall Skeleton Key" I read out loud. "This might be useful. "

I put it in my pack, got my pistol, and grabbed a sword from one of the guards. I looked outside. It was still nighttime, and more guards running towards my apartment.

"Well, shit"

I looked down at my hand, the mark still visible. I wonder what else I can do, I thought. I remembered stories about the Outsider, and how he gave his curse to those he deemed worthy to bear his mark. There was a rumor that Corvo Attano, the infamous masked assassin, was one of those people with the mark. Guards said that he could do lots of creepy stuff, like summon large groups of flesh eating rats, disappear in one place and reappear in another, even take over another person.

"Disappearing might be useful" I said to myself. "But... how do I do that?"

I turned around. The guards are getting closer. I looked around, and saw a small building near the river bed, just over the wall.

"That seems safe enough." I looked toward the top of the wall. I concentrated, and imagined myself in a blur going to the top. I felt myself get weightless, my vision went dark as if I blinked, and I felt wind going through my hair.

When my vision cleared, I was at the top of the wall. I could see most of the Distillery District.

"Whoa... now THAT'S cool."

I looked down. Maybe if I do another one of those... Blinks.... or whatever you call them, I can get into that building.

I Blinked down onto the roof of the building, and looked around. No guards in sight. There was a ramp going from the top of the building to a tower looking building next to the waterfront.

"Might as well look around" I said to myself. I walked towards the Tower, and saw a door, but it was locked.

Damn, I thought to myself. It needs a key.

I took out the Dunwall Skeleton Key, but it didn't seem to work on this lock. Oh well.

I walked around some more, and saw an open window the ramp led to on the building.

"Might be word checking out" I said. I walked to the window, and crawled through. I saw a small room, which led out to a balcony on the other side. There was a bed, and another door leading to a staircase in the rest of the building. There was a drawer next to the door, and a strange drawing right above the bed on the wall. It resembled a skull of somekind.  Like a skull made of metal. I looked in the drawer, and found a strange mask. It resembled the drawing above the wall.

"Oh my god..." I dropped the mask in disbelief.

"This... this is Corvo's mask!" I yelled. I couldn't believe it. I picked up the mask, and was about to go explore this place some more, but I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Someone else is here.

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