Alpha little girl

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Does anyone else have an over protective father? Well I do. But it's worse for me since he's the alpha of our pack, the water pack. The alpha is always over possess on their love one's and have low temper, I hate it. Ever since my mom died when I was a baby, I'm the only family my dad has left. He may be a loving and caring father but he very obsess to what I do. He doesn't let me out the pack house without a supervision of the beta or one of the guards, then I don't have any friend except the beta's daughter, Sienna, because every time I make a new friend, he some how scares then away.

Sienna is a very chill and smart girl, she have all A's in school, the president of our class year and the captain of the volley ball and soccer team. She is the complete opposite of me, she's have short blond curly hair, I have long brown straight hair. She is pale and white and I'm tan and brown, and she short and I'm tall. She's loud and outgoing and i'm quiet and shy. I don't even know why my dad want me to be friend with her but either she is my friend or I have nobody. She very nice to me and care for me, Sienna is pretty awesome friend.

Well back to my dad, I rarely do anything with him around. No friends, not allow outside, no where to go, No Fun! But the good thing about today is its my Birthday! I'm turning 16 and that mean I get to find my mate today. But the only problem with that is my dad. Will he allow me to be with someone else or would I be stuck here in this hell hole for the rest of my life. Let just see and find out.

Alpha little girlWhere stories live. Discover now