Chapter 25

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Kita's POV

Kiba went to the door and it was Tsume.

"Naruto's back." I ran to the door.

"Did he succeed in his mission?" She shook her head.

"Sasuske is now with Orochimaru, he's abandoned us." My smiled was gone, along with my appetite. I sat down with the others and Kiba did as well. "I'm sorry kids. There's nothing we can do now." We finished eating and soon Temari and Shikamaru left and it was only Kiba and I.

"What do you think's going to happen?" Kiba asked, about as bummed out as I was.

"Pure agonizing pain Puppy, pure agonizing pain. Naruto's gonna train like crazy, Sakura's going to do the same, and everyone will be a little uneasy if the Sound is involved in a mission because of Sasuke and the chance they might run into him. He may be a genin now, but eventually, he'll become S-Ranked, just like the Akatsuki and Orochimaru. I just hope he knows what hell he's getting himself into by going to Orochimaru. I mean, I don't like the guy, not one bit, but that doesn't mean he can do this. What if the Hokage sends me somewhere and he needs to intercept it? What if you go on a mission and get hurt? What if our friends die at his hands all because he wants to avenge his clan's death? What will happen then? Will Sasuke continue just so that he can kill his brother, not caring if he dies in the process and kills off his bloodline? What will happen if he kills Sakura or Ino? Or any of his other fangirls? What's going to happen to the village if they attack? What will happen to Onii-sama's team? What will happen to us?" I looked at Kiba with sad eyes. He held me close and kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry Kit-Kit. It'll all turn out right. You know how stubborn Naruto is. He'll be out of the hospital tomorrow even though he's not healed enough, and train till he ends up back in the hospital, rinse and repeat, until he thinks he's strong enough to bring Sasuke back, run into one obstacle, find out he's not ready yet, end up in the hospital and start right from the beginning until he does finally bring Sasuke back." I smiled a little.

"Thanks Kiba. You know just what to say, even if you don't know what you're saying." He blushed.

"I do to know what I'm saying!" I laughed a little.

"I know you do Kiba, I was kidding."

"Well your kidding is going to get you in trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"This." He pulled up my shirt and blew on my stomach. I started laughing and we just went back and forth until we started having a tickle fight, which ended when the doorbell rang. I opened it and it was Tsume again.

"I came to ask Kiba if he was staying here with you or if you were staying with us since Kakashi won't be back till tomorrow and I don't trust you here alone."

"Why don't you trust me here alone?"

"What if Sasuke comes back and-" I got the hint.

"Thanks Tsume, I just needed to have that on my mind right now. Kiba! Your mother wants to know if you're staying here or bringing me to your house since Kakashi won't be here till tomorrow!" He came out of the room and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm staying here with her. Since Hana's being a royal bitch as usual."

"What did she do this time?" Tsume asked.

"She slapped Kit-Kit across the face hard enough that she needed ice."

"I'll be having a word with her, but you're probably right. I'll have your clothes ready for you to come get later, unless you'd rather me bring it, and I'll bring some dinner over for you two as well okay? Good night kids." She left and I sighed, seriously. She acted like my mother, I think. I wasn't old enough to get to know my actual mother anyways.

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