They Make Fun of Your Accent

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You are waiting backstage in Ashton's dressing room waiting for the boys to finish. You wanted to suprise him for his birthday, which is the next day, by spending the last week of the tour with him. You hear the footsteps of him and the other boys as they part to go into their seperate dressing rooms. You hear Ashton open the door as you bolt out of your seat to give him a long-deserved make-out sesh. In the middle of your "reuniting" make out, the boys come bursting into the room.

"Ashton, who is your lovely friend who happens to be sucking your face off?" says Luke.

"Ummmmmmm. This is my lady friend Y/N." says Ashton

"WHAT?!?! Lady friend?!? Is that all I am to you?!?" You say as you fake sounding hurt.

"NO!!!! This is my girlfriend Y/N." Says Ashton as he take your hand.

"Hello boys. How are you this evening?" You say.

You boys all look at each other, then begin to laugh, and look like they are going to shart their pants. Michael falls on the floor dying of laughter.

"Would like some tea with that crumpet dear sir." Cal says mockingly.

"Oh yes kind sir." Luke says with a curstsy.

"Stop it. No one makes fun of my fair lady." Ashton says as he pushes them out of the room. 

"That was a compliment and insult all wrapped up in one." I say as I peck him on the cheek.

"Is that all I get." He complains.

"For now......"

Calum(Southern Accent)

You are living in Georgia for the summer to help out your grandmother after her sugery. She was nice enough to let you have the apartment above the garage. Since it is over 90 degrees outside your grandmother let you spend the day doing whatever you wanted. BEACH TIME!!!!!! no wait..... BOYFRIEND TIME!!!! no wait....... BEACH AND BOYFRIEND TIME!!! I put on my watermelon print bandeu with my neon pink bottoms. I drove down to the beach near where Cal was playing his show. When I got to the beach Cal came up to me and threw me and all my stuff over his shoulder and carried me over to where he and the boys were set up. I laid down to tan and about 5 minutes later I had 4 boys standing over me, staring intensly. 

"Can I help ya'll with something or are ya'll just gonna stand there catching flies." I said with a smirk.

"If you are gonna use that atitude with me, you'd better run faster than a pig at feeding time." Luke says mockingly.

"Ouch Luke. I didn't think ya'll would sound so.." I didn't have time to finish my sentence before I was thrown over over Ashtons shoulder and carried over to the water. He got up to his waist, and by then I was trying desperatly to not get wet. 

"CALUM THOMAS HOOD!!!! Please tell Ashton to get out of the water and bring me back to my towel." I said pleadingly. 

"Alright Y/N. I'll give you to Calum. But you won't get wet if Cal can catch you." Ashton said as I was thrown over to Calum. I shut my eyes and waited for me to hit the water. But after I while I did not feel the water and I peeked out of one eye and saw Cal. holding me inches above the water.

"I gotcha babe." He said with a heart melting smile.

"Thanks kiwi boy." I said while giving him a kiss. I pulled away and he smiled

Luke(New York)

I  invited the boys over to my beach house in Miami because I know how much they love Miami. "Luke do you want some water." I said.

"No thanks babe, but can you ask the boys for me?" 

"Anything for you blondie. BOYS?!?!?" 

"What do you want Y/N?" The boys growl because I made them pause COD.

"Do you guys want some chips or water?"

"Some wooder would be nice thanks Y/N."

"What the hell is wooder? I said water Aussies." 

"Well we heard wooder. LUKE!!!!!" The boys screech.

"What do you want you idiots?" He says while burying his head in my neck.

"Your girlfriend keeps asking if we want some wooder. We need water. Would you please translate for us?" Michael says.

"You dummies need to leave Y/N and her wooder be." Luke says while trying to hold in a laugh. Much to his dismay a small giggle slipped out of his lips. 

"Hemmo since you are so kindly laughing about WAHTAR, you should get some for the boys." You say giving him a peck on the lips and a smack on the butt as you walk away swaying your hips. And knowing Luke, he followed you like a lost puppy. ;)

Michael (Irish Accent)

"Truth or dare Mikel?" Ashton asked with a smirk.

"Dare...... Duhh!" Michael says. 

"I dare you to......... impersonate Y/N.... Ya impersonate Y/N." Ashton says. 

"Alright. Here we goooooooo! Top of the monring to ye! I have a funny ccent like Nialler!" Micheal said with a laugh.

"LOL no. One, thats not what I sound like. And two, if you get to impersonate me, than I get to impersonate you. Heeeeeeyyy bruh. Im Micheal and I have fairy floss hair and think I'm punk rock!" Y/N said in a really really deep voice.

Everyone in the room burst out laughing, and Luke and Cal were crying tears of laughter. Michael pulled Y/N into his lap and placed a big wet puppy kiss on Y/N's face saying, "What would I do without you babe?"

"You would probably have no hair and no life."  Y/N said with a huge smile on her face.


Hey guysssss! Its Cate. Im in class, like I am every single day. Whoop whoop. I started this preference before the summer started and I finally finished it after like 4 months. I had bugged Alessia to finsh Micheals in the middle of the summer because it was the last part we needed bfore posting it, and she never did so here is the prefrence that took FOREVER to write. More updates soon. 




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