"Okay guys! that's it. I'm going to edit this and I'll give it to your manager okay? " I said and they all nodded.

"Yah dk hyung just tell her already! " I heard chan whisper but I totally heard it.

"Hyung better tell her now. " Vernon said.

"Ok! Ok! I'll tell her. " Dk said.

I didn't really know what they were talking about because I wasn't facing them. I was busy packing when someone came up to me.

"ah Kim Jae Eun l-lets get some coffee. Are you free? " Dk said.

He's too cute reject.

"yeah sure." i said and smiled.

I was waiting for Dk to come out of the bathroom. He needed to put on a hoodie so he won't be recognized by fans.

While I was waiting A bunch of girls were waiting outside Pledis Bulding. They're holding up some banners that has seventeen member's name on it.

"lets go? "I heard dk say from behind.

We went to a café nearby .

Seokmin ordered Coffee for me.

"So Jae eun how have you been? " He said.

"I'm doing oretty great I have lots of free time but I think Next next week I'll be busy. " I said.

"Mind if I ask why?" Seokmin siad.

"Well my manager told me that I Have a huge project ahead and I'll be working with Bangtan?not sure who they are but yeah I heard they're pretty famous. " I said

Seokmin stopped drinking his coffee and he looked at me.

"Jae Eun, I have something to confess"Seokmin said and it made me worried.

"I-I like you alot since our first shoot. Remember Love and letter? I didn't really like you that time I realized my feeling for you when we met again for the Going seventeen shoot. "He said and smiled

"I-I hope you'll like me back. "He said. I smiled.

"Seokmin I-I don't know what to say" I said and felt uneas

"It's okay Jae Eun. I don't want to rush things either. I just wanted you to know so that you'd be aware" He said.

"Let's go? " He said and stood up.

Me and seokmon walked Back to Pledis. We talked about Lots of thing. I also found out that seungcheol Is liking the girl Eun Ra who is a Trainee.

매니저 calling


-Jae Eun I'd like to inform you that yout schedule had bee n moved. You'll work with Bangtan this Saturday. So you have 2 more days to get ready ok? Bye

He ended the call.

Is he serious?

"Hey whats with the face? " Seokmin said.

"Manager told me Our shoot moved. I'll work with Bangtan this Saturday." i said.

"All of a sudden?" Hr said

"Yeah. I won't get to hangout with you guys for awhile. "I said sounding sad.

"Aw Jae Eun stop That I mighidisjshakak" i didn't catch what he said.

We went inside the elevator and waited for the door close.

I was pouting while waiting for the door to close.

Seokmin noticed it.

"Yah Jae Eun stop That already. " He said and laughed.

I didn't Listen.

I felt soft lips against mine.

"Yah! Seokmin what was that for?! " O asked. He gave me a Peck on thr lips

"Haha you kept pouting so. " He said and laughed.

"yah I thought you didn't want to rush things? " I said and the door opened.

Looks like we're here on the 3rd floor.

"Well I guess I changed my mind." he said and went out.

We got into the room and everybody was eating chicken. I sat down and waited for them to finish.

Vernob is filming and asking people around.

"Hey joshua what do you think of the chicken we just ate? " Vernon asked joshua.

"I think having to eat this--" Vernon cut Joshua off by turning the camera to the other direction.

"this chicken will heal our hearts" Joshua said

"Why would chicken heal our hearts?" Vernon said while laughing.

Today is Going to be a Long long day.

SEVENTEEN IMAGINES by: SeunglishueWhere stories live. Discover now