Chapter 9: UH OH, FEELINGS ~Logan from Sander Sides

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"Jeremy... has a supercomputer inside his head. It's this thing called a S.Q.U.I.P. Ever heard of it?" Laura lied by shaking her head. "That's what I expected. There's nothing on the Internet about it."

"That's weird. Everything's onlin-"

"-I KNOW, RIGHT? Rich just told him about it, like HOW DID HE FIND OUT ABOUT IT?!?!?!"

"Mikey? Breathe.." Michael took a breath.

"Anyway, That... thing is making him ignore me.... The worst thing is..... I helped him get it.." Michael couldn't hold back the tears, they overwhelmed him. Laura pulled him for a hug (SO. MUCH. HUGGING BETWEEN THESE TWO) and comforted him.

"Michael, are you blaming yourself for this?" He nodded as he wept.

"Mikey, this is not your fault. AT ALL. Say it. 'This Is Not My Fault'"

"It... it's not my fault." Wow... saying that AND having a friend who believed it made Mikey feel so much better.

"Thanks... Laura. I really needed that," He said as he sniffled.

"Of course, dude! That's what friends are for." Laura and Michael hugged until his face was completely dry. He then asked if she wanted some weed.

" no thanks"

"I'm just kidding. Oh hey, do you wanna go to this party tonight at Jake's house? Maybe we could sneak in? I have a clever disguise!"

"What is it? Wait, you know, don't tell me. I wanna be surprised!"

"So is that a yes?"

"Eh, I have nothing better to do, (LITERALLY MY LIFE. WHO CAN RELATE?) so YEAH! And I know just who I'm gonna be!!"


"It's a surprise!! Meet you there?"

"Cool Beans."

'Wow, you're such a nerdy cinnamon roll,' Laura thought. After that, she headed home to put on her surprise costume...

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