Chapter 2

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I am now sitting at my best friend Louis' apartment, telling him of the boy I briefly engaged with while at the coffee shop.

"Mhmm." He hummed, once I was done speaking, pronouncing every word precisely, because I was in no mood to echo my previous words. "So you two exchanged numbers?"

I nonchalantly nodded, not thinking much of it.

"He likes you." He stated, like it was the most obvious thing he'd ever said.

I scoffed at this, I knew well I was not pretty nor special enough for a boy as gorgeous as Zayn to take any interest in me.

"I'm a guy, Jae, I would know. He started talking to you because he thought you were pretty. It's obvious." He said with a sly smirk decorating his cracked lips.

"I talked to him for what? Thirty minutes, maybe." I remarked.

"Well, I for one firmly believe in love at first sight. You're a girl, aren't you supposed to believe in that bullshit?" I laughed at this, he could be so confusing at times.

"So you believe in love at first sight , but you think it is bullshit?" He just shrugged his shoulders at that.

After a few more hours of watching reruns of old 90s shows, I left Louis' place, in high hopes to make it home before it began to rain. But, as usual my prayers went unanswered as the rain introduced itself to any pedestrians lingering on the streets of New York.

I started to pick up my pace so I could make it home quicker, but quickly gave up as I started to become acclimated with the rain.

My body suddenly collided with-what seemed to be-another body. After I had balanced myself, I looked up to see who I had bumped into. I was met, once again, with the boy I met at the coffee shop.

"You again." He laughed, holding my shoulders to make sure I could stand up straight, though I was standing without a problem.

I managed a trifled smile, silently cursing my timidness. "Yeah, sorry I was trying to get out of this rain."

"Why? I love the rain."

"It's cold, and wet." I said, utterly confused about how he could even stand the rain. If I had a choice between a rainy day and a sunny day, I would choose the latter without a second thought.

He laughed bitterly, "I can't see the positive side to many things, but rain, I can. For whatever reason it makes me feel alive. It sounds stupid, I know."

"It's not stupid. That's a really nice way to look at it." I said, a smile evident on my now soaked face.

"I'll text you soon, yeah?" He asked me again, like I was actually going to give him an answer diverse then yes.

"Of course. I'll see you around." I smiled at him, and began my journey back home again. I finally made my way up to the apartment, padlocking the deadpan door behind me. I looked absolutely horrendous. My hair was saturated, a red tint tinted my cheeks, and my white t-shirt was see through. Great.

After showering and eating a companionless dinner of mac n cheese, I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Zayn. He was so mysterious, the way he felt about rain, or how he told me he didn't see the positive side to many things. I knew so little about him, and the only thing I was really sure of was that I wanted to learn more about him.

Of course, I wouldn't text him first. If he wants to hold a conversation with me, he will. Unless he was just as agitated as I. He seemed so sure of himself, a quality I wished I had.

I ended up falling asleep to the soft voices on the TV, trying to cover up the absence of another human being holding me with a pillow but to no avail.

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