I gasped as we turned left; it felt like I was falling out!

"Louis help me! I'm falling out!" I cried.

"So it still feels like you're falling out there, huh?" He replied calmly, despite our situation.


I breathed a sigh of relief as the ride stopped and jumped out quickly, leaving Louis to climb over the seat and out of the other side of the cart, joining me whilst we walked down the slope, through the gift shop and out of it.

"I am never, I repeat never, going on that again."

Louis laughed and patted me on the head, "Shall we get going?"

I took my phone out of my back pocket and looked to see it was 3:42.

"Okay then." I grinned.

On the way back to the car I managed to persuade Louis to get me a giant lollypop and a teddy before we both got into the car, Louis munching on some prawn cocktail crisp he had purchased earlier today but forgot to eat.

I decided it would just be easier to sleep the ride home so I did. I rested my head back on the seat and closed my eyes as sleep consumed me.


"Natalie, come on now. I've been shouting you for five minutes. If you don't wake up I am throwing this drink, over your head." I heard somebody groan.



"I'm up." I said groggily.

Louis heaved a sigh of relief, "Finally. Come on, let's go inside."

I followed his order and opened the door, stepping out into the warmth of the sun and jogging up the path toward the door.

I pushed open the door to reveal the four boys sat on the couches watching Toy Story.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Liam.

"Hey guys!" Louis said cheerily, hopping onto the couch next to Harry.

"Hi!" Zayn and Harry cried.

Liam and Niall just stayed silent, focusing intently on the screen in front of them.

"Niall?" I said. "Liam?"

"Huh? Oh hey Nat! Where have you been? Niall said you were ill?" Liam said, confusion clearly written in his eyes.


"Niall? Why did you tell me Natalie was ill?"

Niall shrugged, "I didn't want to worry you Liam."

Liam glared at Niall before turning to me and Louis. "Where were you two?"

"Blackpool pleasure beach."

"Without us?!" Zayn cried, seeming somewhat upset.

Louis grinned sheepishly, "It was Natalie's fault. She told me that we had to go out or else."

I gasped, "Louis! You liar! You practically forced me to go with you."

Louis tutted, "Way to give me up, hun." He said mockingly, glaring at me.

I glared back playfully, "You deserve it."

I saw Niall roll his eyes from the couch and go back to watching Toy Story and saw Liam just shake his head in disapproval before turning back to the T.V as well.

"So," Harry said, "Did you two go on Pepsi Max?"

"Yeah!" Louis cried, "You should have seen Natalie. Oh my god, it was hilarious."

Love Life and Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now