Part 1

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Chapter 1

"Hi, Ashely"

I heard coming from behind me

I turned around to see Calum, my best friend

"Oh, hey Cal"

I turned around to face him

Currently I was walking home from school and Calums my neighbor so we normally see each other at this time

"I'm having a party tonight, do you wanna come?"

Calum asked, he was doing that little pouty face he does to turn girls on...

"Yeah, sure, but it wasn't cause of your pouty face that influenced my decision... You live next door, I would of wondered what that loud music was at 3 am and came over"

I commented

"Yeah, your right"

Calum laughed as we started walking towards our houses

"So what time is the party?"

I asked

"5 to 7"

Calum replied

"Only 2 hours?"

"No, it's from 5pm to 7am"

Calum giggled

"Oh, that makes more sense"

I giggled at the fact how dumb that was

At the moment I started to turn into the driveway and calum went on

"Goodbye Ash"

Calum waved

"I'll see you in like 2 hours"

You replied

"Fine then, I'll see you later"

Calum walked in the driveway next door and went inside, I also did the same

As I stepped in the door I saw my best friend, Sierra who was waiting by my mom

She turned around to see me

"Hey, are you coming to calums party tonight?"

Sierra asked


"Ok good, me-"

Sierra was cut off by my mom

"oo your going to a party? At Calums?"

She asked

"Yes, mom it's not big deal"

I replied as I waved at Sierra to come upstairs


We went upstairs and into my room

"I need help picking out an outfit for tonight"

I asked Sierra

"Well, you need something that says 'fuck me' and-"

Sierra waved her hands in the air like a rainbow shape

"Hold on, hold on, uh no..."

I rejected that phrase for the party

"Ok then what do you want your outfit to say?"

Sierra whined

"I'm not to sure"

"Well it's gotta be clever, because there's gonna be a ton of boys there!"

"And how did you find that out?"

I asked


She replied

"Clifford? That bad boy? What are you doing around him?"

I was quite surprised because Sierra seemed like a goodie goodie but she's not actually one

"Uh, he's my friend, anyways he told me that a ton of his friends are gonna be in that household, partying"

She replied

"Well why do you think cute boys are gonna be there?"

I asked

"Because, Michael is extremely cute, so his friends may be to"

She was very confident in this 'I know there cute' thing which was normal for her

"Ok, anyways.. Help me with the outfit"

I whined

"Ok ok..."

Sierra picked out skinny Jeans and a cropped top

"So.. What about this?"

She handed the outfit to me

"It isn't bad, to be honest"

"Then try it on"

Sierra begged


I stepped in the bathroom and changed

When I came out Sierra looked impressed

"That's perfect, the boys will love you"

"Ok, fine, I'll wear it to the party"

I agreed

"Well I myself gotta get ready, I'll see you in a little bit"

Sierra went downstairs and out the door, she only lived like 4 houses down so she walked

A/n: thanks for reading guys :)

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