Perfect Love? Chapter 4

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A group of guys had joined in the soccer game and most of the people in our dorm had come out to watch. The other 5 guys had a group of people cheering for them, but there were about 25 girls cheering for One Direction. I had almost forgot that they were famous until that point. Harry saw me, waved and scored what I guess was the winning goal. When the game was over all the girls wanted to get pictures which took a while.

After they were done Harry came up to me and said "That last goal was for you."

I smiled and said "You were awesome. You almost ready for our date?"

"Of course! I'm just going to run up stairs to freshen up a bit." He pecked me on the cheek and ran off.

A group of girls came up to me and asked "Are you and Harry together?"

I looked at them and said "Honestly I'm not quite sure where we are. We met last month at a concert and we've been talking a lot since then but this is the first time I've seen him since then."

They smiled at me and said "Oh we'll you two look really cute together and he seems to really like you!"

"Thanks," I said as they walked away.

Danielle walked over to me and said, "Be careful. Not all of the boys fans are that supportive."

"I know," I replied. "I just hope I don't have to deal with that just yet." She looked behind me, waved and walked off. I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist and I turned around to see Harry looking down at me.

"Ready to go love?" he asked.

"Of course," I replied and we walked off with our fingers intertwined.

Since it was my first night at school neither of us had any idea where we were going and soon we were completely lost. We had left campus so there weren't even little maps set up periodically. Occasionally we would get stopped by a fan who wanted to get a picture with Harry. I always agreed to take it for them. I guess you could say I was sucking up to the fans. I hadn't forgotten what Danielle had told me. We passed a little ice cream shop and ducked inside to get something to eat. After we had ordered we grabbed a booth by the window.

"I feel like I really don't know who you are," Harry told me.

"Even though we've been texting its just been about stupid stuff and what was going on right then."

"I know what you mean," I said. "I really know nothing about you too, well other than what I've gathered from interviews."

"Well that isn't fair. I think that I should get to interview you then," he said decidedly.

"Alright, ask me anything."



"Ok. What was high school like for you?"

Oh. I looked up from my ice cream. I think that he could sense that I was uncomfortable about the question.

He took my hand and said "It's ok you don't have to answer. You just seemed really ready to get out of there."

I smiled weakly at him. "I was more than ready to leave." I took a deep breath. "School was rough. I didn't have many friends, other than Frankie, Hallie and Beth. People made fun of me. A lot. I don't even know why. I guess it was just to make themselves feel better. High school kids can be really cruel. I became really depressed. The only things keeping me going were my friends. They stood up for me, and people started to leave me alone. People still didn't like me. I was ok with it though, as long as they weren't attacking me anymore it was ok, you know?"

Harry hadn't said anything the whole time I was talking. "That was a little much for a first date wasn't it?" I asked.

Harry smiled at me. "Not at all. I know how you feel. I was teased a lot in school too. Mostly in junior high though, it lessened once I got to high school."

"You know, it's weird but I feel like even though we just met a month ago I feel like I've known you for longer." He gave me a look that let me know he felt the same way. We had both finished our ice creams and it was starting to get dark so we decided to try to find out way back to the dorms.

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