Perfect Love? Chapter 3

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I didn't even have to look up, I would know that voice anywhere. I looked up and saw Harry leaning agains the door frame smiling at me. I got up and went over to him to give him a hug. He grabbed my cheeks kissed me instead. When I pulled away he was smiling.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that," he said.

I smiled and said "I think you owe me a date."

"Oh that's right. How about I take you to dinner later?"

"Sounds perfect." He kissed me again.

Clara burst in the door while we were mid kiss. "Liam and Danielle are back with," she stopped when she saw us and got a teasing grin. "Well if your mouths aren't to busy already Liam and Danielle are here with the food."

Liam came up behind her looked at Harry and I, and the same surprised look that Niall and Zayn had gotten crossed his face. Harry looked at him, laughed and said "I take it you remember Teagan from the concert last month then?"

He came in, gave me a hug and said "Didn't expect to see you here love. You know Harry hasn't stopped talking about you since we left?"

Harry punched his arm. Liam held up his hands defensively "Just trying to tell her the truth mate! Anyway the foods outside, you may want to get down there before Niall eats it all." After Liam and Clara left Harry looked at me and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Let's go love," he said throwing his arm over my shoulder.

It was pretty nice out so we decided to have lunch on the lawn outside of mine and Clara's building. After we finished the pizza Liam and Danielle had got for us the boys pulled a soccer ball out of their car. Eleanor, Danielle and I went back upstairs to help Clara get unpacked. Before we went upstairs Harry grabbed me and gave me a kiss. Naturally as soon as our dorm room door shut the conversation turned to Harry and I. I busied myself with making Clara's bed, but I was being bombarded with questions so I stopped and sat down.

"Harry wouldn't tell us anything," said Danielle. "I asked Liam how you two met and all he said was that you were at a concert and you and Harry really hit it off."

I looked at her. "Well that's pretty much all that happened." I could tell that try didn't believe me. "I promise!" I told them the story about how my friends got me the tickets for my birthday and how Harry and I hung out for about an hour before the show started. I told them about how they boys sang happy birthday to me and how Harry had told me he thought I was beautiful. Then I told them that he kissed me twice and asked me out and left.

"It's not his fault that he had to leave. I know that but it kind of hurt, I was really excited you know?" The other girls were smiling at me, but they weren't happy smiles. They were sympathetic, and I was grateful.

Eleanor sat down next to me on Clara's bed. "I know that it's hard not being able to be with him all the time. Sometimes when I go a while without seeing Lou I feel like I'm going to go crazy if I don't see him."

Danielle nodded in agreement. "It's tough, but at least you can still keep in touch with him."

I smiled gratefully at her "That's true." I looked at my clock and realized that it was almost 5.

Clara saw me looking and said "Maybe we should go see what the guys are up too." Before we went down i changed into a navy blue dress and a sleeveless white cardigan and belted it with a braided leather belt. I threw on my fringed leather sandals and grabbed my matching purse so I would be all set to leave with Harry. When we got downstairs what we saw was insane.

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