"Oh my! My prince has finally found his soulmate.–"

"Maa, wait, let me–"

"Very good, my son! I'm proud of you–"

"Papa, you too? At least let me finis–"

"What nobel family does she belong to? Where does she live? How beautiful is she? Do you have her contact number? We'll talk to her parents right away.–" his mother was interrupted by one simple sentence slipped from Taehyung, making his father's eyes widen from the shock.

"It's a guy."


He looked at their reactions and they were definitely not pleased with it. "Yes. And before you say anything, let me say something, maa and papa, that I really love him. I really need to have him with me.–"

He halted, and then continued, "–Please, just please, let me be with him. Let me marry him. It's not so long that I met him, but I've fallen so hard for him. So just please."

He asked, more like pleaded them. Seeing the love in his eyes, his parent's hearts melted, but they weren't really sure if they should approve to his wish.

His son was in love, yes they were happy but they didn't expect his son to love a boy and not this deep atleast. Nobody would, actually.

Seeing the quiet and dull atmosphere, his mother started, "What's his name?" Taehyung's eyes sparkled a little on the question, his small glint of hope now growing bigger.

"Hoseok Jung. He's a high schooler, just like me. He studies in a different Academy though. It's situated near our Academy. I've got to know almost everything about him. All we have to do now is to go to his home and bring him here."

"You see, my son, I'm happy that you've finally found someone, I really am. But are you sure doing this would be good? Haven't you thought about you being the prince? The only prince, to be exact?" his father calmly questioned.

He was hesitating to answer, but nonetheless, he still spoke, "Yes, I'm sure and I'm pretty sure there won't be any problem, unless I have your back." He answered sternly, indicating the dominance in his voice, he finished what he wanted to say.

A pause, and he continued,

"But I'm afraid his parents won't agree to this. Just.. I jus– I mean, they might be against the wedding because we're of the same gender and stuff. Though it will be easy if they love money more than their principles..." he mumbled the last sentence but it was clearly heard by both the parents.

Though, his father chose to ignore it, he thoughtfully nodded, while his mother finally spoke, "But my dear, don't you think it will be bad for all of us if people get to know the fact that you'll be marrying a boy and make things hard for us? Like, you know.. kingdom is what people make. Not us."

She went near Taehyung and gently stroked his back, "All I'm trying to say you is, in order keep up with people I want you to marry a girl in front of the world. You could always hangout with that kid from the streets in our mansion anyways."

Taehyung got a li'l angered at how his mother addressed his precious baby but nonetheless, he took it in and thought for a while, "Look, baby, I'm not saying you not to have that boy. I'm just saying– it's not good for your father's and your deceased ancestors [ such a heavy word ] reputation. People will start making fun of them. Now, do you want that? Probably no, so please listen to us, yeah?" she explained him being as soft as possible.

Taehyung slowly nodded, totally understanding his mother's point of thinking. "O–okay. But promise me you won't turn your backs. I want Hoseok to be mine at any costs." he demanded. "And if that does not happen.." he gave them a simple glare, "I have my own ways to get to him."

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