IX - The Summonings

Start from the beginning

Iatus swallowed and stepped up to the circle, Claudius spoke the dismissal and the fire spirit vanished in a puff of smoke. Iatus picked up his book, and flicked open to the correct spell. He ran it through in his head once then spoke the words as clearly and precisely as he could. When he said the name a ball of water expanded into existence. It swirled and rolled like winds swept across it. Iatus stated the binding spell and a newt was spat out of the water, landing feet up in the air. The water shrank back to nothing and the newt righted itself.

Claudius patted him on the back, "Well, done Iatus, very good job, you can be proud, faultless. I suppose you've done it all before though. Now, you can order the demon out of the circle."

Iatus did as he was told, the demon righted itself and scuttled over to him, then it stopped.

"Hey, I remembers that owl, tis dat you Aelith?" the demon said and some of the students gasped in shock, although Iatus was surprised for a different reason than they were.

"Nah, it can'ts be," the demon decided and continued to scurry over to sit at Iatus' feet.

"Oh, by the way, imps generally have the intelligence required to speak, if not problem solve or plan ahead, or even use correct grammar, be warned though, they can also be quite rude. Your turn Amber," Claudius informed them, a smile on his face.

Amber didn't blink, she stepped up with a determined look on her face. She opened her book and read. However she slipped on the last word, she stuttered it out like it had got caught on her throat. She stopped and looked at Claudius.

"Hmm, disappointing Amber."

"No, sir, I can do this," she said quickly and began again.

The Tribune frowned but made no move to stop her. She spat the words out but they were all correct. A ball of flame rolled into existence, she didn't pause and dived straight into the binding spell and out popped what looked like a dust devil, a little tornado about a meter high that swirled about. It then settled down and became what looked like an armoured mouse but it was about the size of a cat.

"Well, done Amber, but never speak to me like that again or there will be consequences."

She nodded her head respectfully and went back into the line, the armoured mouse trailing behind her. The rest of the student body went in turn. Nearly all of them failed, apart from the fat boy, whose name turned out to be Capitus. He had summoned a mischievous little air spirit who liked to pull faces. The boy grinned cruelly when he saw his demon. He took the strain well but Iatus could see him pale as he bound the demon.

"Right," said Claudius, "Well done to the three of you who have managed to summon something. Next lesson you may wish to try and summon a greater imp or move straight onto spell work. The rest of you, you will do nothing in these classes until you summon at least an imp. Class dismissed."

Iatus made his way back to his rooms, proud of what he had accomplished but apprehensive as to the what the rest of the class clearly thought of him. The newt was constantly jumping up at him, although he never really got above his knees it was still annoying, the newt also wouldn't shut up.

"Wow, you got some fancy threads there boss, no questions you were the smartest dressed there, and you were definitely the smartest, the rest of those clowns got nothing on you boss. Now, about my living quarters, you wouldn't happen to have an aquarium would you, I'd like that, or even just a paddling pool. Nothing fancy, mind you, unless your greatness could stretch to it. I'm Gopple by the way."

Iatus ignored him but he did not miss the predatory look Aelith was giving the little suck up.

As soon as they had climbed up the stairs and went into their rooms Aelith fluttered off to the bedroom. Ava was tending the fire and she looked round as she heard the door.

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