I begin to think about Brad but my thoughts become too jumbled so I decide to relax and eventually fall asleep.

The next morning I wake in Brad's arms. As I become more aware I smile, my eyes still closed. Brad's hand tangles itself in my hair, twisting strands of blonde hair through his fingers.

"Morning sleeping beauty." His voice is low and my smile grows. My eyes flutter open and I gaze into his chocolate eyes, losing myself in his always unwavering stare.

"Mm, what day is it?" I whisper.

"Saturday." Brad laughs. I close my eyes again preparing to sleep before really processing that it's Saturday.

"Shit!" I curse. "I slept over and my dad has no idea where I am." I jump out of bed and run downstairs to grab my phone from where I left it in the kitchen.

"Oh, hello again." I freeze. In the kitchen is a girl, older than me, who looks familiar.

"Uh hi. Natalie...right?"

"Yeah. Have we met?" She looks confused and I realise we've never actually met before.

"Oh no no. You just look a lot like Brad and just I assumed you're his sister. I'm Magenta." I hold my hand out awkwardly but I'm surprised when she pulls me into a hug.

"I've heard a lot about you." Natalie laughs as she pulls away. "Please, call me Nat."

I nod my head. "All good things I'm hoping."

"Of course." She laughs. "Would you like some?"

I glance behind her and see a stack of fresh pancakes. "Yes please, I'm starving." Of course at this exact moment my stomach decides to voice its hunger. "Sorry." I blush.

"Here." Nat hands me a plate and I smile.

"Mmm smells good." I turn around to see Brad entering the kitchen, smiling.

"Put a top on, no one wants to see that." Nat scrunches up her nose and I can't help but laugh as a pout settles itself onto Brad's face.

"Meanie." He bounds over to her and rips off a piece of her pancake, shoving it in his mouth. "Bleh it's burnt."

"Yeah well deal with it not all of us did cooking lessons growing up." She rolls her eyes and my curiosity peaks.

"You did cooking lessons?"

"Dammit Nat," he whines. "Now you've ruined my masculine image."

"You ruined that for yourself long ago." Nat laughs.

"Whatever," Brad grumbled. "We're going now."

Brad takes my hand and I rush to put another bit of pancake in my mouth and grab my phone. "Nice meeting you." I call out.

"She's nice." I smile but he just huffs. "Oh boohoo she told me you took cooking lessons, if it makes you feel any better though I think guys who can cook are hot."

He turns to me with a grin on my face. "You just called me hot."

"Well indirectly but yeah."

We sit out on his balcony in the two chairs opposite each there. I gaze out at the view now being able to say it in daylight and find myself falling more and more in love with the view every second that passed.

"Magenta?" I hum in response as a way of saying 'yeah carry on'. "Lets go to the movies."

I consider it for a moment before nodding my head. "Sure."

Brad smiles. I stand up and go to walk back into Brad's room when he pulls my hand back. He pulls me towards him and I end up sitting on his lap, facing him.

"You're so beautiful." A grin grows on my face along with a red flush on my cheeks. His large hands hold my face and he leans forward. Right when I think he's a bit to kiss me, he sticks his tongue out and traces a log line up my cheek to my temple.

"Brad!" I squeal.

He holds my waist and lifts me up off him, darting for the door to his room but I'm quick and jump on his back. The curly haired boy stumbles for a second before wrapping his hands around my thighs and running for his bed. He then turns around and falls backwards, trapping me under his weight.

Giggling, my hands instantly go to play with his curls. He turns around to face me and grins plaster themselves on both our faces as he plants a kiss on my nose.

"Come on, ill get ready then take you to your house so you can get changed." I agree with the plan and turn his TV on while he has a quick shower.

While he showers, for the first time ever my heart seems like it's going to burst with happiness...or maybe love.


May the new year be blessed with less bullshit than the previous few.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and new year, I just rewatched The 100 but it was still pretty good.
Thank you to everyone for your support this past year it means so much to me.

I have so many story plots and ideas running through my mind and I can't sort through them so sorry this is a bit crappy and a filler.

Anyway, im kinda excited for the new year! I chose my electives at the end of last term so I get to finally do classes I actually want to do and I got some really aesthetically pleasing Typo notebooks so I'm all sorted for going back

But I got a problem, I spent like all my money in Hawaii so I'm basically broke now.
Anyone know goods jobs for girls with social anxiety? I've been racking my brain and can't think of anything.

Thank you for reading I love you all! <3

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