📓A Thousand Burning Masks

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Title: A Thousand Burning Masks


Cover: (9/10)

I really love love LOVE your cover. It's so simple, yet it emphasis everything your story stands for. I don't think I can applause you more for the graphic. Everything fits so well. (It would absolutely get an 10/10, buy my prickly manner is holding me back!

Title: (9/10)

Hmm, the sweet angelic smell of a captivating title. This is what truly brings me joy in this barren wasteland of a life. (Oh wait, its not like I have a life to begin wirh. I digress. xD)

Furthermore, your lovely title is perfectly interwined with the blurb. Which lets readers connect to what they're reading. Drawing much attention to the story itself.

Plot: (28/30)

Hype. Hype! Hype!! Did I say hype? That's the only way I could describe your plot correctly.

Every second I was reading your story. I was on the edge of my seat waiting in hype. (HYPE! HYPE!!) Your plot aas amazingly unique and refreshing. Filled to the brim with creativity that I can't even comprehend. (Wanna share some with me? Lol)

Though one thing I must also point out is the fact thay you could have done a bit better in explaining some plot points. (Such as with the High immortals) At times I was a bit lost myself. (Though that may just be caused by me only reading 5 chapters.)

Grammar: (19/20)

Nothing much to say here besides the fact that you have great grammar and sentence structure. (I was so happy! I didn't find myself correcting some words in my head. *^*)

Character Development: (18/20)

It was love at first sight I say. (Or rather love at first read.) Your characters were just so fantastically realistic, but at the same time so magical. It was as if every step they took were so natural they were gliding.

Language: (10/10)

I can't. I just can't. So much details. So meticulously placed at that. As a person who would rather skip unnecessary details while reading, I could not skip any of your details. It was just so well written.

Overall: (93/100)

Conclusion: My only wish is for you to write more chapters!

Reviewed by: milord 
P.s. PM me for your sticker.

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