"Is this the same friend that likes Guys And Dolls?" Roman asked.

Virgil nodded.

"Same ex-boyfriend?" Roman asked.

Virgil nodded.

"What's his name?" Roman asked.

"Thomas Sanders." Virgil said.

"Wait, I feel like I've heard his name before." Roman said.

"He's a YouTuber. He was a pretty popular Viner when Vine was still alive." Virgil said. "That's probably why."

"Oh, that's so cool!" Roman smiled.

"Yeah." Virgil nodded. "He's one of my closest friends, but to be honest I'm closer to Logan. Patton and Logan are my best friends. Patton was my college roommate a long time ago, and that's how we met. Logan was my friend in college who I hung out with because we got along well. Patton and Logan started dating in college, and they're married now."

"Wow," Roman said.

"Maybe you'll get to meet them. You'd like them, they're amazing." Virgil said.

"I'm sure. I trust your taste in friends." Roman smirked. "I mean, you have a good taste in roommates."

"I dunno, I'm second guessing myself now." Virgil teased.

"Oh, shut up." Roman playfully shoved Virgil.

Virgil stuck his tongue out at Roman.

Roman ignored it. "You should play another song."

"Another?" Virgil asked.

Roman nodded. "This time you can play a duet and I can blow you away with my amazing singing skills."

Virgil snorted.

"Rude." Roman scoffed.

"Anyways, is there a certain duet you want to do?" Virgil asked.

Roman shrugged. "What do you know?"

"Uhm..." Virgil thought. "Do you know La La Land?"

Roman nodded. "I love La La Land, are you kidding?"

"What about A Lovely Night? Thomas did it with his friend Ben in LA, and I thought it was pretty, so I've been trying to perfect it ever since. I could use some practice, and you wanted a duet, so..." Virgil shrugged.

"That's perfect." Roman said. "I call Sebastian's part."

"Okay." Virgil said.

He started playing.

"Whenever you're ready."

Roman started singing.

The sun is nearly gone
The lights are turning on
A silver shine that stretches to the sea
We've stumbled upon a view that's
Tailor made for two
What a shame
Those two are you and me

Some other girl and guy
Would love the swirling sky
But there's only you and I
And we've got
No shot

This could never be
You're not the type for me
And there's not a spark in sight
What a waste of a lovely night

Virgil smirked and chimed in with his part.

You say there's nothing here
Well let's make something clear
I think I'll be the one to make that call—

"But you'll call."

And though you look so cute
In your polyester suit

"It's wool."

You're right,
I'd never fall for you at all.
And maybe this appeals
To someone not in heels
Or to any girl who feels
There's some chance
Of romance

But I'm frankly feeling nothing

Is that so?

Or it could be less than nothing

Good to know, so you agree

That's right...

What a waste of a lovely night

Roman and Virgil hummed in sync, letting their voices blend together. They didn't focus on anything but the music and the moment seemed almost magical, almost surreal, almost like a dream. But it was real, and it was a shared moment between the two, bringing them together in their already forming friendship.

But I'm frankly feeling nothing

Is that so?

Or it could be less than nothing

Good to know, so you agree

That's right...

What a waste of a lovely night

Gainesville Roses [Prinxiety/Logicality]Where stories live. Discover now