"You okay?" He asks, genuinely concerned. I nod, but realize that he can't see me, "Y-yeah."

"Babe, I know you. Something's bugging you. Is it Chris? I swear to god, I-"

"Relax." I say, a small smile plastered on my lips, my cheeks turning red on his protective nature towards me.

"Then tell me what's wrong, love. Please? With a cherry on top? I promise I won't go all ape shit." Austin says softly, making me chuckle at his adorableness.

How am I supposed to not tell him when he's being so f***ing cute? And sweet? And calling me "Love"?

"I love you." I say, smiling wide.

"I love you too...What's wrong about that?" He asks, confused.

I shake my head, "No, I mean, it's just the way you say it. It's cute." I grin, making him groan, the small smile in his voice present.

"I'm not cute. I'm a man." He states.

"Sure." I roll my eyes. "Jake's been telling me how much of a baby you've become. Can't even handle losing a simple game of checkers."

"HE was the one who cheated! Not me! I play fair and square, and you know that." He states childishly, making me laugh. "And we just got carried away. Seriously, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

I tell him the thought of Chris breaking some news to me was driving me nuts, and I was getting scared to know what he might say.

I most certainly know I won't like it. Anything he does is not for my liking.

"Everything will be fine. Trust me. I already located the town that's most likely close to the mansion you're in. I'll see you very soon, princess." Austin says calmly.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just, nervous. Seeing Vole, I mean." I exclaim, taking a deep breath.

"Well, all you gotta do is think of me and everything will go smoothly." Austin says, he voice laid out with his signature smirk.

I roll my eyes, "Not helping."

He chuckles, "Seriously, though. You got to admit, thinking of these godly looks will solve your problems."

I laugh and open my mouth of say something, when all of a sudden I hear footsteps making its way to my room.

The devil is here.

"Listen, I need to go. I'll talk to you later." I say.

"Ugh. Why so early? I literally just started talking to my girl." He huffs like a child, making me smile and shake my head.

"Bye, love." I grin as I was about to hang up the phone when I hear Austin say, "It's see you later, smart ass. Anyways, I love you."

"I love you too," I whisper as I quickly hung up the phone and placed in its proper spot before grabbing a random book from my bookshelf and start pretending to read.

In the same moment enters the devil walking towards me and by the look on his face, he seems....happy?

I mean, he's always like this when I'm around him, but the mischievous gleam in his eyes gives away something else.

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