14. Deceit

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Barry's POV

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Barry's POV

"I'll just have three double cheeseburgers, two large orders of fries, and a large milkshake," I say to the cashier as she widens her eyes at my order. "I'm not that hungry."

She gives me a crazy look before typing the order into the register as I turn and look back at Raven, who was still gazing at the menu up on the wall. For some reason, just seeing her standing there lost in thought was almost mesmerizing to me, even if it was such a simple act.

"And for you?" the lady asks, looking around me at Raven. 

Raven steps forwards. "I'll just have a number 2."

I glance back up at the menu, seeing that it was only a chili cheese dog with a side of tots. "You're sure that's all you want?"

She nods her head. "Yeah, I'm starving."

Another doubt crosses my mind at that moment, only because we were speedsters...it was normal for us to eat five meals in one sitting; it was how we got our energy to run. Every time Raven and I have gone out to eat before, she's gotten a ton more than me, only because she has to fuel her speed and her other ability. It was more than odd to hear her only ordering something that I would snack on in my free time.

After I pay the cashier, we take our seat in a booth in one of the corner. As we sit down, I can't help but notice that we were the only ones here; I guess it was later than I had originally thought. 

"So, can you tell me more about Wells?" Raven asks me randomly as I furrow my eyebrows at her.

"Harry? What do you mean?" I counter ask, not sure what she was meaning, after all. 

She shrugs her shoulders, looking uncomfortable. "I don't know, I feel like I um...barely know him."

For a moment, I wonder to myself what was up with her, but then I remembered my whole flashpoint experience. Raven must not have gotten to know him as well as she had in the other timeline; it's the only explanation for her question, even if it was really random.

I lean forwards and fold my hands on the table. "Well, I mean, you know he's from earth 2, and that he's Jessie's dad, right?"

She thinks for a moment before nodding her head. "Yes."

"I'm not sure what all you remember exactly, since before flashpoint, you knew him pretty well. All you really need to know is that we're pretty much all he has...he's not really the most friendliest guy in the universe, but you get used to him." 

Raven is silent for a moment as she nods her head. "So on earth 2, is he like a...doctor there? Or a scientist?"

"He runs S.T.A.R. Labs there too, so yeah, he's a scientist." I pause as I cock my head to the side. "What made you think of asking that?"

She looks as if she's taken off guard. "I don't know, I was just thinking after you bumped into him in the hall and he got that toothpaste stain on you. I just realized I didn't know much about him."

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