Chapter 16 Meeting the General

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Qrow: "Trust us James they are telling the truth and they even made a plan to capture them." he took out his flask

Ironwood: "Please tell me Glynda that you too believe these boys as well." he looks at Professor Glynda

Glynda: "Yes, James I do" she responded looking at him in the eyes

Ozpin: "Also, James to prove their statement these two are not from our world." He told the James then took a sip of his coffee.

Ironwood: "Now, I believe all of you finally went insane." he said standing straight.

Qrow: "Hey, Joshua show him." he looked at me

Joshua: 'The fuck do I show him my computer is at the do- ooo' I realized what he meant.

I stepped forward the General now looks at me in curiously.

Joshua: 'Hey Godzilla.'

Godzilla: 'What is boy.

Joshua: 'I'm going to show the General here the a glimpse of your power' 

Godzilla: 'Alright, I want to see the fear in his eyes of the ...General'

Joshua: 'Oh yeah you don't have good history with the military.'

Joshua: 'Well here goes nothing.'

3rd POV

Joshua looked down on his hands balling into fists, his body began to give out a Light blue aura giving everyone near him to feel the intensity of his power, scales began to cover his hands and mostly his face, his Teeth and nails began to grow and sharpen making sharp teeth and claws, He then looked up towards the three huntsmen he opens his eyes showing his Fiery Orange Eyes.

The General backed away while the young man transform in front now having his hand on his weapon's handle to be sure the boy or whatever it is doesn't attack. But when he looked at the boys eyes he saw Rage, Destruction, a warning to others who dare attack him.

Joshua: "Phew, still feels weird transforming into this" he finally says turning to his friend who just shrugs 

Ironwood: " he?" he turn to Ozpin

Glynda: "I still can't get used to those eyes no matter how many times I see them." 

Qrow: "Me too." he takes a drink on his Flask

Ozpin: "That man has the power of a Kaiju, a 100 meter tall monster of power from another world.."

Albert: "Not just any Kaiju, He has the powers of the King of Monsters....Godzilla." he finishes

Ironwood looks back at Joshua with shocked eyes he tightens his grip on his weapon.

Glynda: "James.... he is an ally." 

Ironwood: "What do you think would happen if he transformed in front of the public or loses control in rage!" he yelled 

Albert: "You should be careful there Ironwood inside Joshua's mind the real Godzilla is sealed in him and he doesn't like....the military." he told the General.

Ironwood: "And what of you?" he looked at Albert

Albert: "I'm half human and Celestial I can create energy and manipulate objects around me." he began to create a ball in his hand and tossed it towards Qrow who caught it with one hand now inspecting it curiously.

Qrow: "So warm." he said then the ball disappeared from his hand.

Joshua then Began to change back to normal.

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