Chapter 2

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Disclaimer!! If you are sensitive to the thought of  rape or violence then don't read this story!!!! Thank you and enjoy~!
Your POV
I shrugged it off as my imagination, I got out of the bath after and got dressed as I didn't want to stay in there after that.
The Next Day
Today was my first day in school in Derry, for others it was the last day of school so... win for me!! I walked outside of my house to see Bill and a few others, I waved at Bill for his attention and he rode on his bike to me. "You don't mind taking me to school so you?? I don't really know where to go" I said laughing a little while getting my bike out, he shook his head as a no and told me to follow him. We got to the school and put the bikes where they should go, I stared at the school and said, "it's bigger than my old school!!" Suddenly I was pushed to the ground by someone until I heard a creepy voice shout, "Well! Well! Well! Looks like we have a new chick going here~!" I looked at the person who shouted that and could already tell that he was going to be a dick! I got up and walked into the school, ignoring him. He followed me and pinned me against a wall, he looked mad and whispered, "listen here girly we aren't a couple of guys who let girls like you get away with ignoring us!" I whimpered before I was dropped to the floor. The bell rang and instead of going to class I decided to skip school, as I left the school I realised that billy from before was skipping school as well. I hid behind a tree, I looked over the tree and so no one and so I turned back to face the other trees but was face to face with the boy from before. He began to speak, "would you get a load of this! The new girl is skipping school!! Mummy won't be happy~!" I started to try and walk away, only to be met by a blade against my neck, "you try to leave and I'll cut that pretty face of yours~!" He said with an evil laugh. I began to cry and he ripped my shirt using the blade. Tears fell down faster as he pulled down my pants. Suddenly shouting came from a direction and the bully left me, I pulled my pants up and covered my upper half. The bully had left and Bill ran over to me, he told me the boy was named Henry and that he's a dick. I wanted bill to talk forever, his stutter was adorable and his voice sounds so sweet~! WHAT AM I THINKING! I barely know him!! I noticed a small cut on the side of his face and gasped. Henry did it! Rage went through my body at the thought of someone hurting my friend. It was finally the end of school and me and Bill walked back to the school since he ditched it to find me. We found his friends and they dumped all their stuff in the trash, I had no books as I didn't attend school and I'm new... I heard them arguing and I didn't pay much attention until Henry pulled A curly haired boy onto a boy wearing a Jewish hat on his head. I didn't want to deal with Henry so I ran into the school and into the girls bathroom. When I entered a group of girls walked out of the bathroom pushing me by my shoulder and nearly making me fall, a girl came out of a stall covered in trash and I ran over to her. "Are you okay?!" I asked her, panicking. She nodded her head, "yeah..that girl was Greta, she calls me a slut and does things like this" she said pointing to the trash on her, "names Beverly!" I told her my name and helped clean her up and waved her bye as we went different directions to our houses, before we left I walked past a small chubby boy. I stopped him in his tracks as he looked like he needed help with carrying things, "hey! Do you need help?" I asked quickly, he turned to me and blushed before nodding. "My name is Y/N what's yours?" I said smiling gently. " named Ben but everybody calls me the new kid..." he said, "Well Ben your not alone! I'm new as well!!" I said giggling. I helped him fix holding his things and waved him a goodbye before walking home.
An hour later
I got a call from Bill asking to come to the pharmacy as quickly as possible, before he hung up the phone he grave me instructions of where to go. I hopped on my bike and speeded to the pharmacy, there I found the dark curly haired boy, Richie stood next to Ben. I threw my bike to the ground and ran over to Ben asking if he was okay. He blushed and nodded, I sat next to him when Eddie, Stanley and Bill arrived to 'fix Ben'. Bill's eyes were looking outside of the alleyway in awe and his mouth was a little open, I looked over the corner to see a smiling Beverly. My small smile faded, Richie looked at me like he knew why I looked unhappy but I shrugged it off. Beverly and Bill were laughing a lot when Beverly said she had to go, Bill quickly said, "w-were going t-to th-e q-quarry t-tomorrow if you w-wanna co-me!" Beverly nodded and walked away. Soon Ben was fixed up and I decided to head home because I wasn't paying attention to what anyone was saying anyway,  I hugged Ben and told him to stay safe. Before I left Richie grabbed my hand and kissed it and said, "come to the quarry tomorrow it won't be fun if your not there baby~" even though it sounded like he was flirting I knew he really was saying "please come to the quarry tomorrow I know you wanna come and it'll be more fun if you go with us!" It was all over his face the real answer to his flirt. I nodded my head and hugged him before whispering, "thank you Richie!" And hopped on my bike and rode off.
The next day
I found a nice swimsuit to wear:

I put a cute little dress on top and did the buttons up, I hopped on my bike and found Beverly

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I put a cute little dress on top and did the buttons up, I hopped on my bike and found Beverly. I decided to follow her to the quarry as I didn't know where it was, when we got there Eddie and Richie were already arguing! Me and Beverly began to take our dresses off when Bill asked who was going in first. "We will!" Me and Beverly said in unison, we laughed and threw our dresses to the ground before grabbing each other's hands and jumping into the water. When we came back to the surface we could hear Richie shouting something about how 'we just got shown up by girls!' As he said. I giggled and one by one the boys jumped in, we were splashing around when someone decided to play chicken. I moved to the side when I was suddenly lifted into the air. I looked down and saw Richie. "Richie put me down!" I shouted, laughing. He shook his head and I began to push Beverly who was on Bill's shoulders. After a while of pushing Beverly finally pushed me into the water earning cheers and laughs. We got out of the water and me and Beverly began to sunbathe on towels on a smaller cliff the boys sitting down on a few rocks, Beverly had got a radio out and began to play music. I could feel eyes on me so I placed some sunglasses on and peered to the boys direction to see the boys staring at me and Beverly.....well mostly Beverly but I was still next to her so maybe one of them peered at me for a second, I'm not as cute as Beverly so I can understand why they would stare at her. Suddenly I got out of my trance to hear Richie saying something about school being finished, Beverly got up and sat next to Bill while I just moved onto my stomach to watch everyone. Bill said, "y-y-your ha-ir" and Ben had quickly said, "your hair is beautiful Beverly!" Which made Beverly tuck a bit of hair behind her ear and mumble 'thanks'... I stood up and asked Ben to follow me, when we were away from the others I said, "I know you like Beverly..." he blushed before nodding, "and you like Bill but Beverly and Bill like each other!" And nodded before whispering in his ear, "I hope you get Beverly because I think you and her would be perfect for each other. We began to walk back to the other when I have Ben a quick little hug. I lay back on the towel when Richie pulled out a picture from Ben's bag, before Richie could say anything I snatched it from his hand and read it in my head. I looked at Ben and gave it to him saying, "that's really sweet that lucky girl will love it!" I grinned at Ben. Everyone began to go into a talk about Derry so I decided to quietly listen from far away, I sat on the cliff that I was sun bathing on and stared at the water. Ben suddenly said, "we can go to my house and I can show you more there!" I turned around and put my dress on shouting, "hell yeah!!" Everyone got back into their clothes and we headed to Ben's house.
That is all for chapter two! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and this got into the thousands OMG!! This was fun to write and I really hope you found it fun to read! 😊Bye for now~!😘

I didn't feel like a loser when I was with you...🎈🤡 Bill Denbrough X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now