Chapter 5

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Shaun rubbed his temples as he gathered all the material he needed. He decided to go through to most important events of history the average person would know. It'd be easier and quicker than just history of the world.

That and he was too worried about Desmond to really focus.

"Shaun he'll be fine, he's just retrieving his mother" "With Tasha?" Shaun demanded as he turned to see Edward. The pirate just lifted his hands "I'm just sayin' laddy, he seems like a capable man" Shaun nodded and smiled "Yeah....still I worry about him he's not invincible" Edward just nodded.

"Ok! Let's go over this again..." just as Shaun was about to answer, a large boom resounded and the room seemed to shake. Shaun tensed and quickly turned to everyone "Get your things, so wthing is wrong!" The people from the past didn't have to be told twice, and we're already racing out of the room.

Altaïr cursed as he raced through the halls of the building and to his room. He grabbed his assassin robes and quickly armed himself, Malik right behind him. "Let's get to the tunnels, we can help get people out of here from there. Innocents and children will be prioritized" Malik nodded and armed himself as well, following his friend.

Once geared up, Jacob and Evie climbed onto the roof. They used their eagle vision to try and spot their foes but..."Where are they? They couldn't have ran off already?" Jacob frowned as he continued to look around. "I don't know..." His sister answered as she jumped down and started looking around. "Let's check the tunnels..."

Shay cursed as he ran through the woods. Shit....shit! He had to get out of here! He glanced behind him, seeing the faint red of his enemies ashe continued running. He needed to find a tunnel...and fast!

"Move move move!" William commanded, helping his people and the townspeople through the tunnels. There wasn't much they could do at this point besides run, much to William's annoyance. How could have they been found so easily? Especially without anyone's notice? It baffled him.

Once out of town, all those from the past were in n the van with the Animus and Rebecca and Shaun. It was only then that it occurred to Connor. "Where's Shay?" The entire group seemed to almost freeze, except Rebecca who continued driving. "Maybe he's with another group?" She said "I mean it was a rushed and he tic escape..." "Maybe..." Altaïr frowned, not looking very convinced at all. There was nothing they could do though. They had little resources and no way to contact anyone safely. "We'll have to head to the nearest safe house and hope to God he's there" Shaun murnured, rubbing his hands together "How could no one be alerted?" "You'd think we'd notice them...Jacob and I couldn't pick anything up though" Evie spoke up. The group tensed and looked at her "Really?" Malik asked "Our eagle vision didn't show any red whatsoever,  it was like they weren't even there" "That's...bad. Very very bad...." Leonardo breathed out abd glanced at Ezio, who wrapped an arm around him.

Leonardo didn't have the eagle vision himself, but what Ezio had described...."Did you pick anyone up at all?" "Now that you mention" Jacob frowned "It looked like everything does while using it, but there were no people at all..." Leonardo frowned, mind racing with possibilities as he tried to put it together. It was an incredibly difficult puzzle, in a way. Blocking themselves was one thing, but no one at all during a mass escape? That was something else entirely. Why though? Why block everyone? What would be the point?

"Leonardo?" The blond blinked and looked over at a concerned Ezio. "Just thinking....why block everyone? Why not just themselves?" "Hm..." Ezio frowned, then felt his eyes widen "A demonstration" he said "They wanted to show us just what they could do. Blocking themselves? Not flashy enough. They wanted to get us to our very cores, they wanted to block our eagle vision entirely" "Except it only worked for people" Malik realized "This was a test run" Evie agreed. Leonardo nodded, eyes wide.

This...this changed everything.

Shay suppressed a groan as he came too. He kept his eyes close as he listened to the people whisering and murmuring around him. "...a decendant of the original Shay Cormac! This is incredible!" "Too bad Project Animus is practically dead in the water...he would have made a fine subject...."

People kept whispering like that around him, before he finally opened his eyes. He was in...a white room, much to bright for it to be comfortable, with glass as one wall and two doors, on to his right and one on the wall his bed was on.

Where was he?

"Ah morning Mister Cormac!" He frowned and then noted the speakers and cameras. Ah, so not around him then..."Sorry for the abrupt meet-" "You kidnapped me! Why!?" He demanded. The man just laughed "Don't worry...we have big plans for you Mister Cormac....big plans indeed....."

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