chapter 4

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The next morning, everyone gathered in the underground living room. "Desmond I need you to get your mother back here" "And what about the time travelers?" Desmond spoke up and looked at his Father "We don't know the effects having them here in this could have" "That's for us to figure out Desmond, you're needed in the field" Desmond clenched his jaw but nodded "Tasha and I will head out after the meeting then" he conceeded. Shaun gave him a worried look, but his boyfriend just shook his head.

Now wasn't the time.

" that that's taken care of..." he turned to all of the people from the past "Shaun already worked out identify for you, which makes everything easier, but we'll have to catch you up on the world, fashion trends, culture, history, everything" the group nodded and he turned to Shaun and Rebecca "You two are in charge of that, no one outside this room is to know they are from the past am I understood?" "Yes sir!" "Meeting ajurned then"

Desmond sighed and rolled his shoulders as he packed at least a week's worth of cloths. He also packed his toiletries and some basic weapons. He heard a knock and turned to see Shaun. "Gonna see me off?" He asked as the Brit approached him. "Desmond..." he hugged the other close "Be careful ok? I..." "I will I'll be fine just gotta get mom home" "It's not just that is it?" Desmond just gave him a look "Trust me there's a reason I didn't fight him on it" usually. Desmond stayed out of his parents' lives as much as possible under normal circumstances.

These weren't normal circumstances.

"It's you need me to come alon-" Desmond kissed him. He knew it was a jerk move but..."It sets fine. You're needed here Shaun ok?" "Ok...alright...arse" "Ass" Desmond chuckled and his boyfriend helped him finish packing.

"You really gotta go?" Rebecca asked as she hugged Desmond. "Yeah trust me" he said as he got his nags in the car along with Tasha in her cage. "Be careful then ok? Once your mom is back we need to go into town and have a proper meal" "Agreed Desmond laughed and hugged her "I'll be back in a week..." the hopefully was left out. No one wanted to think about it.

Desmond sighed as he got on the plane, Tasha's cage in the seat next to him. Airport security was, justifiably, freak doubt my the huge Harpy Eagle, but he got to go through a special line so that was good at least. He wished now more than ever he had access to the more traditional version of Eagle Vision, the oe the other assassins had. As it stood, like his mother he could only see through the eyes of an animal, in his case Tasha.

Once he landed, he noticed his mother and her cat, Mau. "Nilea..." "Oh please Desmond I'm your mother" she chuckled and hugged him "Before we go back I red your help" "Dad already filled me in" he reassured "You need Tasha and I correct?" "Bayek was wose, but he did not forsee the way our Vision evolved" she nodded and led him out of the airport as they talked. "Mau and I can only do so much together, we need wings though" "Tasha is rather large, are you sure this is a good idea?" "It's not...ideal but no one else has the original Vision" Nilea pointed out and Desmond reluctantly nodded.

"Ah Mrs. Miles! Desmond!" A man approached and shook their hands "Dr. Kane" Nilea smiled "My son brought Tasha with him, she should be able to get where we need the bird to go" a weird look passed the older man's face before he nodded "Very well."

Looking through Tasha's eyes experience. It was odd, see from the eyes of something that had much sharper vision than his own. As Tasha flee through the corridor and seemingly endless crawl space up abouve, Desmond kept track of everything and anything that seemed interesting. Finally, she entered a crumbling and ancient anti-chamber. In it was an old lever just big enough around to fit in Semu's beak when she was alive. It easily fit in Tasha's beak as she pulled the lever, opening the door in the main room.

Once she was back, Desmond blinked as he started to once again see through his own eyes. "Thank you Desmond!" Nilea hugged her son. "Yeah Ni-mom" he corrected as they entered what was once an Assassin Hideout during Bayek's time. "I'll have to look around, see what I can gleam...Oh the information we could get!" She squealed and put down Mau, who began sniffing around. Tasha landed on a nearby perch with narrowed eyes as she looked around. "A week Mom" Desmond reminded as he went to find a place to put down his stuff. Nilea just waved him off and went searching for the library.

Desmond sighed as he went through the motions of his training. Tasha was out hunting...whatever she could hunt out here. Her kind's usual food was sloths and other tree-dwelling creatures. Maybe she'd find some birds or other such food. Luckily, for as big as she was, her species could easily go a week without eating so after she hunted she would be fine for a while. Bad news is that she could be hunting for days on end before she finally found and killed her prey. "Don't worry Desmond Egypt's ecosystem is extremely varied, she's find suitable prey in no time!"  Nilea came up. "As you say Mom" he couldn't help but worry though.

Finally, Tasha was back and Desmond was packing his things. "Has it really been a week already?" Nilea sighed dramatically and Desmond nodded "Time to head back Mom, I have our tickets" "Fine...still I wish we didn't have too, think of all the more knowledge about the brother hood we could get! And right from the beginning as well!" Desmond just shook his head "We found what we were after you and Shaun can discuss the rest of this after we get back"

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