Chapter 8: Tomorrow is Never Promised

Start from the beginning

"I didn't know you were here already, I'm sorry."

Cindy shook her head. "It's okay, it's not your fault."

Raymond patted Jonas on the shoulder. "The movers will finish transferring the equipment tomorrow night. Feel free to take off early if needed."

"Thanks, Ray."

"Pleasure to meet you, Cindy."


She had enough excitement for one day and decided it was time to go home. Jonas had made plans to go out to dinner with his team and offered to cancel them in order to take her home and stay with her. She declined and encouraged him to go celebrate with his coworkers. She wanted him to enjoy himself and not miss out on bonding with his team. He reluctantly agreed and asked her to call if she needed anything. Cindy kissed him goodbye and called Jadie who picked her up. They bought Chinese takeout and went back to Forest Hills.

After they arrived home, Cindy dug into her take out container with a pair of chopsticks. "How was class today?" She pinched handfuls of pork fried rice into her mouth. "They miss me yet?"

Jadie dug into her plate of marinated General Tso's chicken with a fork. "You kidding? They ask me when you're coming back every day. I mean nothing to them."

"Get shot six times and they'll ask about you too."

Jadie took a sip from her beer. "I'd rather be awesome instead."

Cindy drank from her water bottle and thought about Raymond and Chief Hasan and her brief stay at the Tombs. This wasn't the life she wanted for herself. Did she want to be known as the sloppy drunk who spat in the commissioner's face or the coolest teacher her students have ever known? The sale of Lucent Labs to Raymond would give her the freedom to quit security and focus on her gym. And Chief Hasan was right, she wasn't the type of person to disrespect a police commissioner, no matter how rude. The alcohol had betrayed her once again.

Cindy rolled a chunk of pork with her sticks. "I have news you'll be interested to hear."

"What's that?"

"I'm going to trash the left over photos and documents I have in the basement."

Jadie's fork rattled on her plate. "Seriously?" She seemed ecstatic by the news.

"Yeah, my stay at the Tombs has put things into perspective."

"There is a God."

Cindy pinched some rice into her mouth. "I mean what has chasing Ned gotten me?

"Nothing but trouble."

"Exactly. I don't want to be a drunk. I don't want to be a bitch. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and move on with my life."

Jadie took a big gulp of beer. "Trust me, I get it." She burped. "'Scuse me. But this is like the best news ever. I think this will be good for you."

"Yeah I think so too."

"Are you really over Ned though?"

"It's going to take time, but I'll get there."

"It'll be nice to have you back to your old, obnoxious, arro—"

Someone knocked at the door.

"—who's that," Jadie said.

"Don't know." She glanced at the door then to Jadie. "Would you mind—?"



Jadie stood up from the couch and wiped the crumbs off her pants. She walked over to the door and stood on her tip toes so she could see through the arc of glass near the top of the door. "Huh."

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