Searching for a roommate

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I search for Escala and it seems like a wonderful building. Just like Kate mentioned. Secure and close to Grey Publishing. Maybe I would take the chance and check it out.

Now my biggest task is actually finding a roommate. I check online ads for roommates in Seattle, specifically, Escala... but, I find none. Maybe I should create one? This way, I can customize exactly who I am looking for.

I walk across my room and grab my notepad and pen. I begin to write a list of everything I am looking for in a roommate. I take in my own experience with living in a dorm and compare what I like and don't like.

After many crumpled up balls of paper land on the floor... I think I know exactly what I'm looking for in a roommate.

Ana's "looking for a roommate" AD:

"ATTENTION: Looking for a roommate in Seattle, WA.

Anastasia Steele

Age: 22 years old

Preferred roommate pairing: Female

Preferred building type: Two Bedroom

Preferred location: Downtown Seattle

Required building Location: Escala

Move-in time: ASAP


-Someone who doesn't smoke.

-Someone who enjoys company.

-Someone who can respect my privacy.

-Someone who knows when it's time for peace and quiet.

-Someone who is clean and responsible.

-Someone who is friendly and trustworthy.

-Someone with open communication.

-Lastly, someone who knows how to have fun!

Don't bore me to death. :P

Extra notes: Hi! I'm moving from New York to Seattle really soon. I've been living here for four years and I'm now looking for a roommate! I'm planning on having interviews/meeting with those who I think is a perfect match a couple of days after I arrive to Seattle. Please email me your information, if you're interested in becoming my roommate! Also, don't forget to check out my preferences. Thank you!"

I look at my notepad and smile brightly, this is perfect. It's me in a nutshell. I'm hoping since I was very specific with my preferences and requirement, I'd find at least one good roommate match. I seriously don't want to live on Kate and Ethan's couch forever.

I power up my macbook and smile, Ray bought this laptop for me after my first year of college. He knew I would up to my neck with papers, exams, and studying... He thought by having one, it would be helpful. He was right.

After powering on my macbook and check on the online ads that I was on previously, I still have found nothing.

I decide that I need to text Kate.

Me: Kate! I'm sorry to bother you again :P What were the two sites you told me that I should post on?

Kate: Facebook and craigslist. Although, Facebook is the safer option ;)

Me: Thanks a million!

Kate: No problem, babe! Talk to you soon! Xox

I send Kate the kissing emoji then sign onto Facebook and get on craigslist. Although, yes, Facebook might be the safer option, I need options. So, I decide to post my ad on both social sites.

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