Letter Number 10 - Mr Tiggles' Wife

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Dear Ollie

The days after my birthday went by normally without any drama.

Saturday however was a little different. That Saturday was Saturday the 11th of February. The day we went to the main part of London for my birthday treat.

Instead of going home that Friday you stayed the night so we could have an early start the next morning. Do you remember that I slept right through the alarm, so to wake me up you put ice cubes down my shirt? Yeah, I didn’t talk to you while we ate breakfast.

For our trip to the city centre that day I decided to wear my dark green parka coat, black leggings and brown ankle boots. Whereas you decided to wear navy skinny jeans, your superdry coat and black combat boots. I have to say boys in the UK have much better fashion sense then the boys back in Australia.

We left my house at eight o’clock that morning and you drove us in your very nice, very new car to the nearest tube station. You had only just passed your driving test and it was fair to say your driving was pretty terrifying, but still, it was better than getting on that scary looking motorcycle of yours. I hoped I’d never have to ride on that thing.

When we got to the tube station you brought the tube tickets which we could use on all zones, whatever that meant. I insisted on buying my own, but you brought mine anyway. We got on a tube train, which wasn’t that busy and got some seats. Once I was comfortable you gave me a little pep talk. Is pep talk the right thing?

“Okay pickle, listen to me very closely because what I’m about to tell you, you must abide by all day, okay?” I nodded my head “Keep your bag in front of you or give it to me because there are a lot of pickpockets around central London, and when we are walking around I want you to hold my hand, okay?” you paused “The next train we get on is going to get very busy so, Ammie, I want to know if you feel frightened and I’ll try and get us off as soon as possible, okay?” you paused again “but aside from that, I really hope you enjoy yourself today with the sex god in your presence” you said gesturing to yourself with a cheeky wink. I just rolled my eyes at you.

I was a bit worried about all the people that were going to be around, but I had you and that was very reassuring to me. The rest of the tube journey you told me what we were going to do. You told me we were gonna go shopping on Oxford and Regent Street in the morning, then you said we’d have MacDonald’s for lunch. After lunch you said we were going to get the tube to Westminster. You said we would walk through Westminster, along south bank, through St James’ park, past Buckingham palace and then to Covent gardens where we would get dinner.

When the train stopped a station called Baker Street we got off the train and changed onto another. That tube train was a lot busier, unlike the other one we can to stand and I was terrified. I felt so claustrophobic and I just wanted to get off, however I tried to stay as calm as I could, although that didn’t stop me from squeezing the life out of your hand.

Eventually we got to Oxford circus which is where you told me we’d be getting off. When we got off the tube I lent over and put my hands on my knees as I breathed deeply in and out. However the tube station wasn’t much better than the tube itself. It was just as crowded and I could feel myself internally begin to panic at the sheer amount of people that were brushing past my shoulders every five seconds

“You alright?” you questioned looking slightly concerned.

“Yeah, can we just get out of here please” I said breathing in and out a few more shaky breathes. I really did not want to freak out. If I freaked out I was pretty sure it would ruin the whole day, and I didn’t want that.

“Okay…” you said hesitantly before grabbing my hand and leading me out the tube station. When we walked up onto the street I instantly felt better. There were lots of people around but we were no longer trapped underground and that alone made me feel a lot better.

A Letter To YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ