A Text?

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It's an bright shiny day and it's saturday so MC have no Classes MC is a collage Student She live in her parents house but tomorrow you're gonna find an apartment to live near by you're school... MC decided to go to a cafe to eat and drink something delicious MC changed her clothes, and Grab her bag, wore her shoes and walk to the cafe which takes her 8minutes to walk from there but MC's fine with it. And then when MC reached the cafe she sat down for a bit while waiting for her order a coffee and a slice of cake. She opened her phone and she saw a text from a person named 'Unknown' she read the text and the next was...

Unknown: Hello?


Unknown: Can you see this?

MC: um yes.

Unknown: Oh! Good! Can you help me?

MC: Who are you? And why should I help you?

Unknown: Im a Collage student, studying from other country, can you help me find the owner of this phone?

MC: No, I don't even know who you are!

Unknown: Please? I'll make it up to you when I get back from korea.

MC: Fine... but how are you gonna give me the phone?

Unknown: where are you right now?

(YN): Im at cafe

Unknown: Look, wait for a man to come at you and he will give you the phone okay?

(YN): Ok.


Should I really do this? She asked herself , I want to help so maybe I should help, but what if he tried to kidnap me?! Heh Im sure he woudn't gonna do tha--

Excuse me Ma'am? A man said

Yes? I asked

Here's your order! The Man said

Oh! Right, It looks like Im out of my mind right now sorry... I said And took the food and drink.

Hehe, oh! And Ma'am someone wants to give this to u. The waiter said then he put the phone down.

Huh? Who gave this? I asked

I dont know Ma'am, when I was about to ask his name he said he got to go so I didnt got a chance to ask his name, Im apologize Ma'am. The waiter said

Oh, It's okay, no need to say sorry. Umm do u know what he looks like? I asked

not really ma'am I was looking at my notes when he is asking me to give this to you, but I saw he is wearing a black lether jacket, and he pointed that Im gonna give this to you. The Waiter said

Hmmm ok, are u sure he meant to give this to me? I asked

Yes ma'am Im 100% sure, because he told me how u look like. The waiter said smiling

Oh okay. I said looking at people.

Well, I got to go now ma'am, enjoy your foods. The waiter said bowing.

Ok, thanks. I said smiling
Then he goes already

Huh, I wonder who is the owner of this phone?

-8minutes later-

I'm done eating, The food was delicious! Mmm I should leave a small tip, I said smiling then I put 5bucks inside the menu, then I get going....

I wonder who is the owner of this pho--- I cutted my sentence out because A man Bumped into me. I fell into the ground.

Ouch. I said
*My butt* (I thought)

Oh, I'm really sorry Miss, I didn't mean too. A yellow haired guy said grabbing my hands to stand up.

Uh, It's okay, Im sorry too. I apologized

*Good thing The 2 phones are inside the bag*( I thought )

I cleaned my skirt then after I cleaned it I look into the man's face.

U-Uhh yeah Im really so so sorry well I-I got to go play Lolol now b-bye. The yellow haired guy said. He was blushing a bit. Then he goes.

Hm? Okay?

When u we're walking U feel that ur bag is vibrating so u quickly opened your bag and get your phone and then u saw a text from the 'Unknown' person.

unknown: did u got the phone already?

MC:Yes, I did.

Unknown: Alright, good, here u go here to this address


MC: WHAT?! No way!

Unknown: please? I'll make it up to u soon.

MC: Umm, Fine! But If something happens you're responsible for it!

Unknown: Yes, I will thank u so much!

I put my phone inside my bag and continued Walking to the address he sent me.

-No One Pov's-

The Yellow haired guy still blushing from embarrasment. that girl is really cute >_< that was so embarrasing >_< the yellow haired guy thought.

To be contintue... sorry it's short.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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