Lionstar's Revenge

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Chapter 13: The Lost Kin

Lionstar stalked in the under growth. {It's time to end this.} She thought. Than a cat jumped on her. Lionstar rolled from the cat's paws and slashed out with her paw, claws extended. The cat, a thin ginger she with gray spots and a lame back leg, ducked and slid under Lionstar's belly. The cat didn't claw Lionstar's belly like she thought would happen. The cat bit Lionstar's tail. She froze. Stormgaze had taught her and Eaglepaw that move. Eaglepaw was great at it and had taught Ginger. "Leopardkit?" Lionstar asked, realizing that this cat looked just like the smallest kit of her brother's. The cat froze. "I haven't been called that in many moons. A- are you Eagelpaw's sister?" Leopardkit stammered. "Yes. I was Liongaze. Now Lionstar. What's your name now?" She asked. Leopardkit stepped closer. "I'm Cheetahsprint of SunClan. I'm only a warrior. And I have three kits. They are apprentices now. My mate disappeared in a battle with wolves. That's where my leg became useless." Cheetahsprint meowed. Lionstar nodded. "Come. I will take you to my camp. I don't live in WolfClan anymore." She paused trying to keep the sadness for her voice. "WolfClan has ended and I am now the leader of MidnightClan." Lionstar meowed leading the cat to her camp. "Can you tell me about my dad?" Cheetahsprint asked shyly. Lionstar froze. She hasn't gone a day without thinking about her lost kin. She nodded and led Cheetahsprint to her den.


"Eaglepaw was a great cat. He was my best friend. He was a great fighter and hunter. But he hate getting his paws wet." Lionstar purred looking back to a time when she was a kit, apprentice, and warrior. "One day he led me and our sister, Stripe, threw Twoleg Place. I knew something bad was going to happen. I smelled a strange scent and than two cats jumped on us. We fought. But we had no chance of winning. We were only 4 moons old. Than our mom, Moon, came. The big tom killed her and Stripe." Lionstar paused. "Eagelpaw blamed himself and Stormgaze, our dad. I told him it wasn't anyone's fault. But he wouldn't listen and was quite until he met your mom, Ginger. Ginger was a kittypet and wanted to live in the forest with us. Than they fell in love. One day we had the option to join a Clan, join WolfClan. It was what we always wanted, but Eaglepaw wouldn't come with me. I didn't understand love than. He stayed there with Ginger and about 5 moons later you and your brothers were born." Lionstar explained. "How did he die?" Cheetahsprint asked. Lionstar froze. "He- he died saving me. From the cat who killed Moon, Stripe, Stormgaze, Scarletheart, and Whisperlight. He saved my life, but we couldn't save him." Lionstar stammered, her voice barely more than a whisper. Cheetahsprint sat quietly. "Blade. He killed Ginger." She mewed. "I have come because I have had a message from StarClan." Cheetahsprint meowed.


"What was it about?" Lionstar asked. "Something about finding rain." Cheetahsprint mewed. "I've had that prophecy too. I think we are the rain. I think we have to kill Blade. And I think we still have to find another cat." Lionstar meowed. "Maybe it's one of our kits. Or a friend." Cheetahsprint suggested. "I don't know, but you will have to stay here until we know. You can join patrols and everything." Lionstar meowed. Cheetahsprint dipped her head and stepped out if the den. {I found the rain. Now I just need to find the others. Than I can get my revenge.}

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