Illustrious Part 2

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"About what?" he asked.

"That last time.. that we had.. you still remember, right?" She winked, and pulled on his coat closer to her.. ever so softly.

"There was nothing, literally nothing. We were alone, things got a bit heated- you pulled me in like you're doing now. It just didn't feel right. So what makes you think I'd want to do it again? Here, out of all places?" he caught her hand feeling the edges of his coat and moved it away sharply.

"Why are you so touchy? All I tried to do was to show you a good time. It's not my fault you didn't li.. oh shit. I shouldn't have said anything." She shied away, looking down.

"It's not your fault. It's no one's. So before you say anything else.. I'm gonna leave. I just came for the art, some peace of mind. And if you don't mind, bye." Jermayn left, closed the door ever so slightly. Elsa stayed staring at the door.. half naked, feeling the handle of the door. She felt the handle, but her mind was somewhere else, away from the art class, away from there. Her mind was in the corner bedroom of 22 Mandeville Avenue, Lansworth Drive. Something was on her mind, she snapped out of it a few minutes later- her lip was starting to bleed and her hand was starting to lose colour.
Jermayn put his other headphone in, walked along the corridor with a digging headache, that only seemed to dig deeper every time his foot touched the floor. You'd think it was a spiritual and physical earthquake, but the only thing that keeps you away from oblivion is the way your mind tends to react to things. In this case, Jermayn's intuition was telling him, no, pulling him outside. It was like his mind became a body that just held his hand to pull him out of a hell as deep as the corridors of the classes he walked through. It's as if every breath he took, only seemed harder to breathe. He felt suffocated in his own thoughts, he had the brisk taste of metal in his tongue, a memory that became a memory of drowning things out. The rooms started to get darker and darker, his palms got sweatier- his pupils started to dilate, the blood that was pumping through his body only seemed to quiver. Then the fresh air hit his face, he was finally outside. Such a small thing, but to him.. it saved his sanity. His palms found themselves rubbing his closed eyes, dragging down until the fingertips brushed off the edges of his moist lashes. Half of his finger smeared away the sweat from his nose, careful enough to dodge the path of his hooped nose piercing. He bit his lip; he had a scar protruding from the bottom left hand side, it looked like a sword. His eyes stopped watering, they stopped stinging. He opened them and felt the breeze of summer on his face, the rays of sun shine off his chocolatey emerald green eyes. He reached in his pockets and pulled out a box of cigarettes- Benson & Hedges Duals. Twenty decks, because you couldn't get ten decks anymore. He placed one in his mouth and looked towards the trees that seemed to crown the horizons. He took out his zippo lighter, it had a logo of a Yin Yang on it. The Yin Yang split into half as he jerked the lighter sideways; he lit the cigarette and started to smoke away.

"Excuse me. You're smoking in my space." A voice he heard quite loudly.
"Oh shit, sorry. I didn't kn-"
"Of course you didn't know. You were too busy trying to kill yourself, weren't you? The cigarette really brings out the bloodshot in your eyes, you know."
"Erm, what?" Jermayn asked in bewilderment. He had no clue what was happening, he just wanted to smoke.
"Am I being too forward? Or are you being too backwards? I just say things how they are, really. If they don't like it, fuck them, right?"
"Y-y-yeah, haha" Jermayn gave a fake smile, and continued to smoke.
"So, what seems to be the problem? You seem a little distraught. Who hurt you? I actually hate those words in complete honesty but it feels like I could really use them in this context, you think?"
Jermayn took a long drag, exhaled stressfully and spoke softly:
"Listen, I don't really want to talk to anyone, or anything. I just want to be alone."
There was silence for a while, until the voice spoke:
"Yeah, well.. alone doesn't wanna be you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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