"A year"

"Oh so not too bad"

"What would be too bad?"

"Well......under 20 I think would be too young"

"So Yoosung just barely makes it" he laughed

"I guess so" I laughed with him

"You know I really enjoy talking to you.....even though it makes me feel weirdly"

"It makes you feel weirdly?"

"Yeah, Don't look too deep into that"

"I'll try not to" a beeping noise from his side interrupted


"Did you get hacked?" I asked as I got up from the floor

"No but someone is trying" he said obviously focused

"Okay well I'll talk to you later! YOU CAN DO IT SEVEN!" I cheered

"Thanks bye" He said
I walked into the apartment and flopped on the bed. I hoped that he would be okay, I believe that he could beat the person trying to hack him! He had this! And he did but I always wanted to erase any shred of doubt In his and my mind. We had a lot of just sort calls where he would call and then the camera came about and I could strait up annoy Seven to my hearts content. I would look at the moon from my window and know that one of those times I looked at the moon....Seven was looking to.

3 hours later my phone rung.

"Hello! It's me! Seven Zero Seven!"

"Why hello Seven"

"I tried to remember your voice while I was working but I was having a hard time....which is super weird since I have really good memory, so I thought I would call you. Now that I hear you, your voice is kicking in the back of my head...why couldn't I remember it before?.....is it a side effect of too much PhD pepper? Ugh"

"I didn't wake you right? We were just talking a bit ago but you could have went strait to bed after"

"No. I was bored after you left anyways, I'm glad you called"

"I like your reply! Yep, You should be glad! I didn't ask this before so how was your day? What's did you do? Did you eat?" He said with excitement

"Seven calm down one question at a time" I laughed

"Okay....well it's hard to pick one....oh, snacks! Do you have any type of snacks you like?"

"Honey Buddha chips all the way!! Woot woot!" I said as I pretended to pulled a train horn

"Awe yeah! I knew you were the best! I have a lot of honey Buddha chips at home. I'd like to give you some......but the reality won't let me......that's sad" he said with a sad tone

"Next time I should participate in developing teleportation technology.....hmmm...well, I'll just save up some now, so remind me later okay?! I'll make sure to give you some!" He said with what I hope was a big smile

"Something really strange happens when I was dialing..... My hands were pressing the numbers on their own! I snapped back to my senses when I heard the signal and thought about hanging up, but I'm glad I didn't" he said and a gentle smile grew on my face and I held the phone closer to my ear

"Well I'm glad you didn't also" I say with a squeeze on the phone

"Now that I'm hearing you I want to take you to the space station....ahahhha...oh, I have lots of work to do, so I need to hang up...umm....thanks for talking with me....so good bye.....have a good night but can I hear you say something slow before I go?"

"Luuuuu ccccciii eeeellll"

"Oooohhhh that sent shivers down my spine. Do you mind if I record you saying that? You know what never mind I'll just record it with my brain" he said and I laughed

"*quick sharp breath out kinda like a moan* Your laugh is also so nice...." he's heard me laugh before but I feel like his feelings are starting to come out without his permission

"Thank you" I said with a big smile

"No problem, I have to go now.....remember if you ever need me just yell SEVEN ZERO SEVEN DEFENDER OF JUSTICE SAVE ME! And there's a 0.00001 chance that I will come to save you"


"Haha IM ON MY WAY!" He laughed

"Well you said you had to go so I won't keep you"

"Oh yeah....I hate work at times like these" He said a bit sad

"It's okay we will talk again soon. You know that" I say with a gentle smile

"I know....are you looking at the moon?"

"I am now"

"Well were looking at the same moon right now"

"Using my words?"


"They suite you better"


"I'm not lying, they sound nice when you say them" I said with a little giggle

"You should really stay away from me....I'm dangerous and I'm not a good person.....the person you like.....it isn't.....it's just not....never mind" he said with a sigh

"This speech again? And what do you mean "it isn't""


"Okay....so what if your dangerous?" I said in a soft tone

"I...don't want you to get hurt"

"I won't"

"You don't know that"

"........" I didn't know what to say because he was right, I didn't know

"MC....I have to go"

"I know" I breath out



He left me alone once again...in the apartment alone with my feelings. He was hacker so he probably works for an agency and is used for his talents I got that and he probably couldn't get to close to people because they would get hurt, that's wasn't going in one ear and out the other I understood! But he just kept pushing me away right when I felt I was getting closer to him, all the time! I wanted to know him! I wanted to really know him! I wanted to take all his worries and pain away! I wanted him to feel comfort in my word and arms....

He didn't answer my question "It isn't" what isn't? I didn't know until I wish I hadn't known, it only made me sad and us fight

707, You Are Not An Error Where stories live. Discover now