End it

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Read till end.
"Trust me and give me your gems. I don't care to die right now ok. You have people you could love. I said my goodbyes to buddy.

Now I say goodbye to you all. If I do survive, Sydney can be the only person I want to run out of the house to get me.

I'll leave the healing gem. I'm glad the gems were saved. Trust even though it's sad, I know I won't survive" I told them sadly.

They gave me their gems and I walk out. The gems bouncing in my sack as I stared at 'them' running towards me. To bad it's a perfect day.

I created a fire wall. Then drown some in water by invading them. I made some fly left and right.

I used illusions to make them fight each other. I used Tobins gems and saw that we were surrounded.

I bull dozed them as a rhino. I had all dogs protect my friends which at this point was my family.

It got rough enough to were I had to use the telepathy to get them to my friends. I gave Anna her gem back as we were fighting.

We got one wave done then we returned to the house. We were very hurt. Most had broken bones.

We did defense the rest of the time. We did do some more waves of fighting. This just led to more injures.

Madison got weak and couldn't keep up. She was the first to faint. They started to go down like flies.
First Madison
Second Tobin
Third Corey
Forth Kaelan
Fifth Anna
Sixth Coy
Seventh Sydney and right after that
Eighth Donavan.

I was left alone. I made a tough shelled of illusions, fire, water, and air.

I could finally rest. Until I looked outside to find are plane destroyed.

~~~~~A few hours later(monotone).

Everyone was back on there feet to fight again, but this time was different. I let the gems run to long.

They were so weak when they fought. Half went unconscious.
Kaelan, Madison, Tobin, and Corey.

They where the weakest. The other half............died fighting.

First was Coy who got torn to pieces as he changed from animal to animal.

Anna was to cocky once Kaelan was gone and she was crushed by wendigos who were being dangled above her.

Sydney was tiring to protect Donavan, but the Wendigo changed its target.

Donavan got instant rage. He said his goodbyes to Syd then he kissed her. He got tired quick. So he used the wind to fly him into the wendigo that got Syd.

I took the gems back inside. Used Anna gem to bring everyone in. Their bodies were so pure looking after I tried healing them.

The unconscious ones were there snacks. They all looked like they were sleeping. I payed down carved stones one by one based on When they died.

From left to right. I took a wood shaving tool and carved named in each one. I also carved their B-days and names on the house.

It became our house. I buried each gem under the right stone. I still had the giant fire wall up. I did not want to bury them.

They looked so alive. I placed them in the house. They where in the last position I saw them in when they were happy.

Sydney and Donavan kissing on the stairs. Kaelan and Anna holding hands as they sat on the couch. Corey holding a memory book I kept while he was on a chair.

Coy was taking a nap in a recliner. Madison was in the kitchen, sitting at the table eating candy.

Tobin was sitting in the corner with books, paper, and pencils with extra strong erasers. (Almost impossible to lose the erasers).

I though waited for night to come. I sat right behind all the stones. I was in a chair were you were almost laying down.

At the last moment I dropped the fire walls. The sky was beautiful. The Wendigos got tired of waiting.

They'll come though, later tonight for sure. Till then I will sit and watch the stars. Thinking deep thought.

I made this book end like this because people need to know there are never happy endings. You might be happy for the moment but your past is right behind you. This book shows my fear and my wants. This is my version of a happy ever after.

I don't have a reason everyone disappeared but I have a thought. Everyone else was imaginary and one day the thing that made the look so real wore off. Anything could have happened though:

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