Long Night

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It was 2am. Just me and my thoughts. Really bad combination. To bad Sydney doesn't have to go on watch.

She would fall asleep trying to stay up. It's Corey, Donavan, Me, and Kaelan who do the watches.

On occasions Madison and sometimes Anna will go watch. We don't really watch for anything.

I just know it makes us feel safe. Plus I'm really good at living on few hours of sleep. Just one rule.

That's the worst thing I could do. Naps don't refresh me they kill me. I become super mean and all groggy.

Good reason for no naps.     
I'm going off on a tangent about naps.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4am
My shift came to watch. It was nice going out of the room. It also wasn't on the account that I hate being alone.

If I was the only one on earth. I would die right then and there. My worst fear is being ALONE, ABANDON, or FORGOTTEN.

I wouldn't be able to live. My friends are secretly to me part of a family. I hate when they leave and come back. I hate losing the close bonds. I hate being left in the dust.

"Hey Serenity, your watch time is up you can go to bed" said Madison coming out of her room.

"Can I talk to you?" I questioned.

"Sure, what is it about?" she said.

"It's really a question. What would you do if you were the last person on earth?" I asked.

"Idk, I would wonder where everyone went I guess" she replied.

"Me too.........me too.       Well goodnight" I told her as she left for her room.

"Goodnight" she replied. I stayed on watch for a couple more hours until Kaelan came out for his turn to watch.

"Hi again Kaelan. Tonight seems to be a really long night. I don't usually have to go watch twice" I told him.

"Yeah this is my third. I even checked my clock and it read correct" he told me.

Sydney walked out of the room.
"What are you guys doing." Sydney said in a tired voice.

"We're switching out turns for watch" said Kaelan.

"Oh really cool, I'm going back to bed. Be quieter" Sydney said still tired. We sat and talked for a few minutes after that.

"Hey you guys you might want to come see this" said Donavan sticking his head out his door.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"All the clocks just stopped at 7:30am" stated Donavan. It was true all the clocks, even on our phones, stopped on exactly 7:30am.

"What do you think is happening?" I questioned once more.

"I don't know, also the sun is rising but time is not changing" said kaelan looking outside.

"Well lets tell the others" I said.

"Ok" said Donavan. We told everyone. They were as shocked as we were. We thought the robot said we would stop aging at the age of 32.

That and we would always be in perfect health(somewhat) although we could still get hurt, we can't get sick. That's a real plus.

We went to a theme park that day just walking around. We rode some rides. We also "won"all the mini games. We got the biggest prizes.

We went and ate then got back to the hotel. "Ok I finally went to Paris and had fun. How about we travel somewhere else now" I told everyone.

"I want to go to Canada" Kaelan cheered.

"Ok let's go" said Anna. We flew all the way to Canada. We got some cool looking money, milk bags, and broke some stuff. On accident!

We got a great outdoor farm house and stayed there for a while. Then we went to China, Africa, Tasmania, Texas, and stopped at Ireland.

Are watch shifts were starting and Donavan went first.
~~~~~~~~~~~ time skip
"Aaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaah aaaaaah"

I hear a loud scream come from the hallway. I got up and noticed a note on the dresser. It was from Corey.

I'm taking you night shift tonight. So rest easy.
From, Corey.
I feared the worst and ran out the room to find Corey frozen in fear next to Kaelan and Donavan.

"What happen? Is he ok? What do I need to do?" I screamed.

"I don't know, he's ok, get the bow and arrows." Donavan said.

"Ok I will" I told him. I went in the room to get my bow and arrows. Sydney woke up at this time.

"What is happening?" She questioned still kind of tired.

"I'm going to do a little night hunting" I told her and stormed out the room. Sadly we found nothing and Corey passed out before we could get answers.

What ever got him that scared will die if I see it first.

Hey guys I wrote more today because of someone I know wouldn't stop telling me how much they can't wait for me to update.
You know who you are. I'm being polite now stop.

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