I liked our little secret thing. I didn't want to ruin that. It's not like it was anyone's business anyways. It was just making out. No feelings were involved.


"Jade, Tori!" Sikowitz bounced off his stage and sat on it. "Show us your magic!" He yelled and clapped his hands together.

Tori stood up proud and I slowly got up from my chair groaning. "Okay! So Jade and I were assigned to make a film- just like all of you- and we decided, after long segments of arguing, that we would base it off our personalities. Jade, being as dark as she is," I smirked at this. "..came up with the character Tasha. You'll see throughout the film that she despises my character, Cathy. It's suppose to be horror slash drama. It's kind of all over the place, but we did we best we could considering we were paired up out of all people."

We didn't do too bad. The scenes were cut nice and clean, we stuck with the script and plot, but I have to admit we could of done a lot better considering we had the whole break. Looking at Tori I think she could agree because she was shaking her head at some scenes and looked disappointed.

But really, would you pass up a chance of having a nice hot make out session? I think not. Especially when the chick is pretty damn fine? Yeah, no. You would take up that offer any day. Don't even lie.

Sikowitz stood up after the film was over and nodded slowly. "Well, I loved the whole plot, you did great. Although, you could've edited it a little better. But! You do get a bonus for creativity. So it shouldn't harm your grade too bad."

"I'll take it." I said bluntly and shrugged going back to my seat.


Lunch came around and everyone was at our usual table eating and talking about really ridiculous subjects. I just sat there and stabbed my pickle with my fork. Why would I want to join in on a conversation about if elephants could touch their tails with their trunk or not?

It was obviously a no. Or.. or could they? No. They can't. Final answer. Jade West is always right.

Tori came over and sat down with her lunch trey. She was eating a salad with chicken strips and had a juice box to complete it. "So, guys, what are all your plans for this weekend? I was hoping we could get together and maybe do something."

I stabbed my pickle again looking at her rip the chicken apart and put it in her salad. Everyone agreed on getting together and she said something about an aquarium. I wasn't really focused on the conversation. I never really agree on going, I just kind of go anyways. I mean why waste my breath saying 'I'll go,' when I can just show up? I have better plans for my oxygen. Like putting it at use with Tori.

"Oh! Jade, I forgot to tell you Sikowitz wanted to see us sometime at the end of lunch to discuss our project." I snapped my eyes up to Tori's face instead of her salad and raised an eyebrow.


She tilted her head slightly at me and grinned. "I don't know. Want to go ahead and go find out?"

That voice and the eyes she was giving me was telling me otherwise. Vega you are something else. When did you start taking control?

I got up without any expression, trying my hardest not to give away anything and just act cool. She quickly followed and we walked back inside the school. We made it to the janitor's closet and that's when she closed the door behind us and locked it. I smirked at this and crossed my arms. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh." She chuckled and like the speed of lightening her arms were around my neck and her lips were pressed against mine.

My eyes fell closed and it was like everything disappeared. I don't know why I felt like this when she kissed me. To be honest if it were anyone else I had a fling with I'd probably wouldn't be doing this, I'd say it could wait til after school. But I couldn't wait with Tori. It's like she was an addictive drug. I had to have it or I'd go through withdrawals.

Before you start thinking in your pretty little head, you better not be thinking I have feelings at all. If that thought has crossed your mind you have permission to leave right now. These aren't feelings. It's just.. facts? Whatever she's just a quick pleasure boost.

Tori's hands had end up in my hair and mine on her waist. I had her pressed up against the wall with her legs trying to rise up. I took this opportunity to lift her up so her legs were wrapped around my waist and she gasp.

Tori pulled away a little to look over my face, her lips apart letting out soft breathes and her fingers were around my jaw gently. In this moment she looked.. different. She even looked at me different. It was like the atmosphere had changed. I didn't understand what was going on, but I liked it. A lot.

Tori's eyes flicked from mine to my mouth and she leaned in slowly, capturing my lips. Our eyes closed once again and we took turns dominating over who was in control.

The bell decided to interrupt our moment which made Tori jump a little, "Fuck." She held her chest where her heart was and let out deep breathes.

I smirked and placed her back on her feet. "Wow, Vega."

She rolled her eyes and pushed me. "Shut up." I chuckled and watched her fix her clothes before she grabbed her book bag. "I'll head out first." She winked.

The door opened and closed and I let out a deep breath. Her wink replayed in my mind for some reason. It made my stomach knot up. I didn't know what to think of that. What to think of these feelings in my stomach, the way her actions made me feel a different type of pleasure. It was all so confusing. "I need some fresh air."


The next class period was with Beck. We were all suppose to meet in the Black Box, which means I get to sit wherever I want. So I decided to choose my favorite spot away from everyone else in the fourth row back. Beck came in and walked over to where I was, sitting down and pushing his hair back. "Jade." He greeted.

"Beck." I mocked spinning my scissors around my finger.

A few minutes into class our teacher was giving us a lesson on spot lights. I wasn't really into it at all, all I could think about was the way Tori gave me that look back in the janitor's closet. I was deep in thought until Beck interrupted me.

"So," He leaned over a little, keeping his eyes on our teacher. "I saw Sikowitz earlier at the end of lunch complaining about his tomatoes being dry."

I shrugged at this and raised my studded eyebrow. "So?"

Beck moved his eyes to me and sat up some. "Soo, Tori said you guys had to go see him at the end of lunch."

Oh.. oh, shit.

I looked at him for awhile and tried to come up with an excuse. Fuck. I don't have one. What do I say? Okay, don't think, just speak up.

Beck was waiting for me to respond and I just cleared my throat and moved my eyes back to our teacher at the front of the room. "Yeah, we went to his class and he wasn't there so I guess he forgot. We figured he'd come back sooner or later so we stayed in the hallway, but he didn't." Nice save West.

"Ah, gotcha." He nodded taking the bait.

Little does he know, I completely lied to him.

Authors note: So, I'm really not feeling this story anymore for some reason. As you can tell it took me forever just to upload this chapter. I'm trying really hard for inspiration. This does not mean I will not try, it just means it might take me awhile to get back into it. I will still post new chapters, I'm just sorry if they suck.

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