your beginning part 1

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"Your worthless piece of sh*t...." your father yells

"Your nothing like us..." your older sister states

"how could I have given birth to such a demon" Your mother says while punching you to the ground.

"Stop it please....I don't wanna hurt you guys." You scream desperately.

"Shut up!!!!!! Die demon. Go back to hell" She said as she continued to beat you.

"St-STOP!!!!!!!!" You scream and the whole city shakes.

Everything and everyone stops. You slowly start to float in the air. You slowly open your eyes and they glow a Dark purple. 

"She told you to stop. NOW WE WILL MAKE YOU...." You all state together.

Meanwhile back at Titan's tower..

"Starfire!" Beast boy yelled.

"Yes? Beast Boy." She said

"Did you feel that earthquake?" He asked

A boy with Green eyes and Raven hair came out from the shadows he was lurking in.

"That was no mere earthquake." he stated.

"It was only in this city. No where else." He said.

"So someone made that earthquake?" Beast boy asked confused

"Yes...." A girl with a purple/blue cloak said.

"We have to go, now before it gets any stronger". She says.


"Hello guys...where are you?" You ask as you wander your mind looking for them. 

You see Miss Fortune walking toward you with Cookie and Derrin. "Hey Y/N everything is okay. Nightmare is taking care of everything up there." M.F says to you.

"Yeah she's got everything under control and she says some people are coming to get us." Cookie chimes in happily. Derrin simply nods.  You look out the windows and see everything on fire and start screaming.

The outside world

The Titans arrive on scene and see the house on fire and you screaming. The more you yell the more the flames rage.

"I WON'T LET YOU HURT US ANYMORE!!!! NEVER AGAIN, YOUR ALL MONSTERS" Nightmare and you say together. 

We have to get the threat under control." Robin said to the team.

"'s......a girl up there." Raven says.

"Just knock her out now before the fire spreads." Dick yells as he and the others try to put out the fire.

"No. NO THEY MUST FEEL THE PAIN WE FEEL." Nightmare screams increasing the flames.

"HEY!!." Robin yells at you. You feel something sharp enter your neck and you pull it out. It's a tranquilizer with the sentence "Nightty Night." on it. 

The world start to go dark as you start to fall to the ground. It began to snow heavily and you fell on a pile of it. You're so tired but we have to get away. you here Derrin's voice say "Don't tell them anything about us." You get up and start to walk slowly away from the scene. you heard someone call out

"Hey you! STOP!!" you turn to see who it is. It is the boy who shot you in the neck. You start running as you here him chase you. you find a huge rock and hide on the other side.

"Come out come out where ever you are. We are just here to help." He says. You keep your mouth shut and you breathing low and quite. You hear footsteps walking away and you peek out the side of the rock. Nothing or no one is there. You sigh in relief and turn back around only to see a boy's face with bright green eyes. "Gotcha." he says

You fall back with a yelp and try to get to your feet and run but he tackled you back to the ground. You look up and see him on top of you. You start struggling to get out of his grip.

"Stop struggling, there no point." He states to you like he is bored. You spit in his face and He falls back in disgust. " Eww, Gross" He exclaims. You take this time to get up and run but you hit a tree. 

"F*ck" you exclaim and then you finally pass out.

"T-T, imbecile" Robin whispers as he picks you up and carries you back.

( alright so this is the beginning 12/9 the absolute start of the story only took like 2 weeks of procrastinating) 

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