Entry 1 (Act 1)

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Italics- journal writing

January 1, 2101

Today I was walking home from an after-school job. It was almost curfew...

I sighed as I looked at my phone. It said I had two notifications and one missed call. Looking to see whom it was, I was careless to the fact that my alarm went off signaling it was past curfew. "A missed phone call from... unknown," I just scoffed and turned off my phone. Sticking it on my back pocket I continued walking...

The streets were empty. No one could be seen but I had shrugged it off. These parts of the streets were always empty. Now, this is the time j wished that I had paid better attention...

I heard a gunshot echo around me and I stopped. Looking around nervously, I pushed myself against the wall and stuck to the shadows. Oh my god, oh my god! I thought.

The laughter that echoes the streets were terrible. It reminded me of the creeps and psychopaths that these people were. Do you know what's like to hide till you can hide no more journal? No, you've never had to hide. You just had to sit in a box patiently. Oh, it was a cruel night. A night o wish to forget but I never will...










"What is a pretty rose like you doing out here?"

To be continued in Act 2.....

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