f i v e

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millie woke up, with a terrible feeling. she wanted to go back to sleep but this wasn't her room. she had to get back to her beach house. she looked around her, she heard no music, or yelling.

it was almost sunrise, since it was a little dark outside. she had to get out of here. she then pulled of the blanket and swung of the bed.

she almost stepped on someone, it was finn. he was sound asleep. she didn't want to wake him up so, she grabbed his phone, and unlocked it. she then added her number on to his phone.

with her number in the boys phone she took off. she carefully closed the door, then stepped outside and made her way to the living room.

the room was a disaster, red cups on the floor some stains everywhere and even some people's clothes. she then tip toed to the door. she saw jack laid out on the couch with a red cup in his hand. she smiled, the position and everything was too funny.

she walked to the beach house hoping her parents were asleep. she walked inside, she heard snoring coming from a room.

she then made her way to the kitchen and poured water into a plastic cup and chugged it. she then served another cup of water and took it to her room.

she made it to her room, and changed. she got out of her lavender dress that had a red stain on it. she changed into a baggy white t-shirt and changed into shorts.

she then collapsed onto her bed and fell asleep.

finn woke up to the sound of a door being slammed. he quickly sat up, almost tripping, with the help of the wall he sustained himself by holding onto it.

he then looked at the bed, just blankets. shit, he thought. he then ran out of the room and into to living room. still no sign of millie. but he did see a lot of signs of the aftermath of a party.

he then went to the store, which wasn't far from there it was about a two minute drive. he bought a nice red blow horn.

once he got home, he blowed the blow horn so loud neighbors even heard it, but he didn't care he just wanted to wake his friends up.

"ow what the fu" finn cut off jack before he had a chance to finish his sentence. "guys, this isn't okay, i mean we had a party but this got way to out of hand. so, after i finish this little announcement, you guys will help me clean this house."

the boys all nodded, jack was so close to bursting with laughter, but he didn't. he knows not to mess with finn.

a/n: sorry for the shortness :/ but how are you guys? 💓💓

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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