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a/n: the story will be general pov from now on :)



finn and millie got to know each other better while waiting for the plane to take off. millie not wanting the plane to take off shrugged.

"what is it?" finn asked millie. millie changed her gaze from her feet to a pair of brown eyes. "i just... i hate the takeoff, i hate the feeling" millie admitted. finn looked puzzled, "well, at least your not alone." millie's lips curved a little making a small smile appear on her face. finn smiled too, knowing that a girl was pleased to have him as company.

finn was his schools heartthrob, almost every girl at his school had a crush on him. finn would occasionally talk to one of the girls that had liked him, but usually the girl would use him for popularity or to make their ex jealous. now a days, he declines every girl at his school. but millie was different, she didn't know about his popularity, and in finn's mind she appears to be single. but, boy he's wrong.

millie being the nice girlfriend she is decided to text her boyfriend

millie: hey babe, gonna take off soon
romeo: okay, have a safe flight <3
okay bye :))

finn being the curious boy he is, asked millie who she was texting. "ohh i was texting my boyfriend." finn's smile faded away, he immediately regretted asking her. now he knows she's taken.

millie saw his smile fade away,she wanted to ask him if he was okay, but before she had a chance the plane started to move. she knew what was happening the takeoff. millie rolled her eyes then closed them,hoping the takeoff would happen quickly.

once they were in the air, millie opened her eyes.she looked at finn. finn was looking at the blue sky that was visible through the oval shaped window.

"finn" she began "are you feeling okay?" finn turned away from the window, "yes, i'm fine" he said.

although, finn was a little heartbroken, he decided to get over it. he wanted to be friends with millie.

millie smiles knowing that her friend was okay. finn yawned, "hey millie i'm tired im gonna take a nap." millie smiled, "okay sleepyhead." finn chuckled, then fell asleep.

"finn" millie said moving finn back and forth with her two hands. "i'm... up" finn said opening his eyes. "you almost.. actually you slept the whole plane flight" she said pointing to the people getting out of the plane. "sorry i didn't put an alarm" finn said sarcastically. millie slapped his arm playfully. "well grab your things cause it's our turn to get off" millie said standing up.

millie and finn grabbed their things and headed toward the exit. "well bye finn it was nice meeting you" millie said. "it was an honor" finn said. millie pulled out her hand for finn to shake, which he did. with that they walked away. finn watched her leave wishing they could meet again.

little did they know that wasn't their last time seeing eachother.

summer crushes ; fillieWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt