I was so mad and frustrated that I stomped up the stairs and cried my eyes out in my room. If it weren't for Violet, a special someone whom I considered as I real sister, then I would still be in the arms of my love.

"Baby?" Chris exclaims after noticing that I haven't uttered a word. My hands were still fiddling with the cookie package.

"Leave me alone, Chris. Please. I know you're only doing these one-on-one events because you want to get inside my pants and torture me again. I've had enough." I manage to say, still sobbing a little bit.

I turn around and walk past him as I hear him sigh, but he grabs me by my wrists and pulls me to him. I notice a glimmer in his eyes as he says, "There's way more to love and worship other than your body, baby." He then crashes his lips onto mine, kissing me deeply and strongly. I had no choice but to kiss him because his hands traveled down my waist and between my legs.

I really wish I could slap him, but I knew what the consequences would be, so I held back. I pulled off of the kiss and looked at him with disgust and hatred before walking away, but he grabs me by the waist.

Chris looks at me with a smile, "I'm going to have to head to town and finish some gang business. Do you want me to get you anything? Chocolates, maybe? New clothes? Anything you want." I shake my head no.

"Chocolates and new dresses it is then." He grins sheepishly before giving me a quick kiss and saying, "I love you, gorgeous. I'll be back before you know it. I won't give you a hard time from now on, and I'm sorry if I did those times. I just got carried away and couldn't bear the thought of my love being away from me. I'm sorry if I hurt you, baby. I'll see you soon." He walks out the kitchen and soon enough out the house, shutting the door loudly behind him.

I sigh before shutting my eyes, letting silent tears fall. I take the package of cookies and start making my way towards the staircase and up to my room when all of a sudden the phone rang. I walk closer to the ringtone sound and notice it was coming from the fireplace room, so I went to pick it up.

"If you want to talk to Chris, then he's not-" I was cut off when a manly, friendly voice spoke, "Hey, Jazz. Jake here."

I break into a smile before walking up the stairs and into my room, making myself comfortable after shutting the door and before answering back, "Hey. How come you don't call anymore? You're the only person I ever get to talk to, which is only, like, twice a week."

"Hey. I call fifty times a day, and the only person that picks up the phone is the old woman who is in charge of the phone calls." He exclaims.

I chuckle, "It's Jenna. She's pretty kind, although I don't see her too often since this mansion is huge. I told her that whenever you call, she should give me the phone. There isn't anyone else here except for your jerk face brother and her. He just went out of town to do to business work, which I know will take him a while."

Jake sighs, "I know. I'm sorry about everything. And, I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you about Vi and Chris. It's just...I can't lose Jess."

"It's alright. The last time I asked you if there was a way for you to send me Austin's hoodie here. It's the only thing that'll keep me lasting in this hell hole."

I could hear the happiness and the sadness in his voice as he spoke, "Well there's good news. I'm so sorry if I couldn't tell you before because I wasn't supposed to tell you this 'cause Chris said so, but it doesn't matter anymore. You deserve to know."

I draw my eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Well, the thing is that- wait. Where did he go? Dude! What the f***, man? Know what? Let me call you in five. Apparently, your good news ran away from me probably because I look like a ghost right now or something. You'll have to wait. See ya." Jake exclaims as he hung up. His form of talking always makes me laugh.

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