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So, that was our story. 5 years later and we're still more in love than ever. 3 and 1/2 years after that very Christmas Day we got together, we were married in a beautiful summer ceremony in the middle of July. In fact, that trip that we had to L.A for Courtney's Christmas present that year was so special, we decided to get married on the beach in Malibu. After our engagement, exactly 2 years after we first got together, I reconnected with the family I'd fallen out of touch with after my parent's death and they all came to our wedding, as well as Lee's family.

But, although the wedding was beautiful I'm getting ahead of myself. A few months after we got together, we were both able to get into a pop band, with Lee's cousin Claire as well. We also have 2 other members, called Lisa and Ian and they're incredibly friendly and fun to be around.

So after we were married in that beautiful ceremony in Malibu, we went on a beautiful honeymoon to Greece, where I got pregnant with our first child, our little boy named Billy, who is now 9 months old. Courtney is now 12 years old and although she is now living with Claire, as the pair get on like a house on fire, she is still incredibly close to us and Billy. She's grown up to be an amazing girl, and as her older sister I couldn't be more proud of her.

So what about myself and Lee? Well we're still deeply in love with each other and I just know that we're going to be together forever, and I'm so thankful for that. He is the love of my life and I can't imagine my life without him.

As I'm writing this, it is currently Christmas Eve, almost exactly 5 years since we first confessed our love to each other. And although on that day my present to him was the start of a perfect relationship, this time I've stepped the bar up. Amongst other things, his main present this year is the little baby growing in my stomach. That's right, I'm pregnant again. In fact, I had a scan a week ago and it turns out that little baby is a little girl. She's going to be a daddy's girl for sure, I just know. She'll be our baby Rose. It's the name that Lee's always wanted his baby girl to have and so that's what she'll be. A little Rose.

I can't believe I finally got the happily ever after I always wanted, with the man I love, and our little family. I'm so excited to start this new chapter of our lives together.

And Lee, I know what you're like. If you ever go through my computer and read this story all the way down to the ending, just know that I love you very much, forever and always.

My Only Wish This Year // FleeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon