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I woke up and looked toward the window. Sunlight was pouring in as my eyes adjusted to the new found light. I rolled over to look at my clock. 8:30. Immediately I jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs into Courtney's room. To my surprise she wasn't there. I checked the kitchen, and she wasn't there either, although it looked like she had eaten. Suddenly, my mind flashed to Lee. He was there last night as I fell asleep but he wasn't there. Did he go home yesterday, after I'd fallen asleep? Pouring a glass of orange juice, I tried to calm my nerves before sitting down at the table. It was only then that I heard the front door open and close again, and I desperately sprang up from my chair to go and see who it was.

"Lee! I thought you left yesterday?" I asked
"Nah. I told you I'd never leave you. Oh and sorry about the mess in the kitchen, I thought you'd be asleep so I could clear it up when I got back" he told me
"Where'd you go?"
"To drop Courtney off at school" he shrugged
"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked, slightly annoyed
"I would've, but you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb a sleeping beauty"

Suddenly my annoyance dissolved and was replaced with a feeling of contentment.
"Thank you for doing that" I smiled
"Anytime. Now, you sit down and I will do the washing up"

He left me and went to the kitchen, leaving me alone in the front room and my mind turned to my contentment. Before I knew it I was thinking about a future. A future when this happened often. A future where I was with Lee. And honestly? I wasn't mad.

My thought train was interrupted when Lee returned, announcing that he had finished in the kitchen. I smiled softly to myself before turning on the TV.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked
"How about a good old scary movie?" He laughed
"No!" I pouted "you know I hate them"
"Does someone get scared?" He mocked
"Pfft no I just don't think they're worth my time" I replied, trying to remain cool
"Really? So you won't mind if we put on, say, I Know What You Did Last Summer?"
"NO!" I screeched "the last time I watched that I had nightmares for weeks thinking that some guy with a hook was going to start threatening me" I admitted, embarrassed
"Well you have me to protect you" he winked mockingly, causing me to reach for a couch cushion and throw it at him
"You're so horrible to me I hate you" I faked sadness
"Ah you love me really" he laughed
"Whatever" I shook my head "Fine we'll watch I Know What You Did Last Summer"

He selected the movie on the TV and sat down next to me. Straight away, as if to protect me, he put his arm around my shoulders and for some form of comfort I grabbed his hand and interlocked our fingers. I decided to rest my head on his shoulder and sat quietly throughout the movie.
"There, how was that?" He asked as the credits began to roll
"I can't believe you made me watch that! I'm gonna have nightmares now" I moaned "why did you make me do this?"
"Ah don't worry, if you want I can stay with you tonight" he winked
Shaking my head, I unlocked our fingers and got up
"You want a drink?" I offered
"Coke please" he replied

I got up and went out into the kitchen and went to get him the drink and myself a glass of water. When I walked back in, Lee was looking at something on his phone. I handed him the glass and sat back down.

"What you looking at?" I asked
"Has Courtney ever gone to see Santa?" He inquired
"No. My parents were always too busy for that kind of thing and the thought hasn't crossed my mind" I shrugged
"Okay, we're going today" he told me
"Yes. Now let's go and pick her up, we can go straight there."
"Sounds good" I smiled, picking up Lee's jacket and placing around my shoulders. We quickly walked out to the car, picked Courtney up and went to the mall.

"Okay Courtney, it's your turn to speak to Santa, be nice" I told her

She went up and sat on his lap, smiling. Lee and I watched from behind the queue; just close enough to hear her.

"Hello little girl, what is your name?" Santa asked
"Courtney" she smiled
"So Courtney, what do you want for Christmas?"
"Well" she began "I would like the new iPhone, you know the X? This 7 plus is getting dull now. I'd also like a puppy, a little white one, I've never had a pet before. I also want lots of money, because my sister says if I get a lot of money we can go to Los Angeles and I'd really like that. Oh and one final thing, not necessarily for me but you see that blonde over there?"
Santa nodded
"That's my sister, and next to her is her friend Lee, but-"

The last part she whispered in his ear so we couldn't hear.

"That's quite a lot my dear, I will try my best but I can't promise anything. Keep being good and we'll see" Santa told her

"Okay" she nodded and came back over to us

"What did you ask for?" Lee asked as if we hadn't heard already
"The iPhone X, a puppy and lots of money" she told us
"What about what you whispered to Santa?" I asked
"Well that's a secret" she smiled slyly
"You can tell us" I tried
"Nuh uh cos then it wouldn't be a secret"

With that, she ran ahead, humming some random tune all the way back to Lee's car and I couldn't help but wonder what she wished for.

My Only Wish This Year // FleeWhere stories live. Discover now