Chapter 12:Scars

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They both lunged towards each other, Ichigo blocking Harui's first attack. Their blades collided as Ichigo swung his zanpaktou back in attempt to slash Harui. Harui blocked and flew back, getting ready for round two. Ichigo took his stance, thinking about a way to lead Harui away from the school. 'i can't unleash my Zanpaktou here. Its to dangerous. There is only one thing I can do.'. Ichigo flashstepped away. Harui chuckled. "Running away, small fry?" Harui said as he followed Ichigo. Orihime knew what Ichigo was doing. He was leading Harui away from the school. "Be careful, Ichigo." Orihime whispered. Ichigo flashstepped to a nearby field in a park. Karin usually plays soccer with her friends here. Harui landed across from Ichigo smirking. "Can't run anymore, small fry." Ichigo also smirked. "I actually wasn't running away." Ichigo swung his sword in front of him, pointing it at Harui, holding it with two hands and taking his stance. "Getsuga....Tenshou!!!!" Black and red flame bursted from Ichigo's zanpaktou and sped towards Harui. Harui's eyes widened. 'what the hell  is that?!' Harui thought to himself as he attempted to dodge, but was too slow and was flung back. Ichigo took this oppritunity to attack Harui. Ichigo flashstepped over to Harui, and swung his blade towards Harui. Harui, in the last second, put both of his blades up to stop Ichigo's fatal attack. Harui smirked. "Is that all you got?". Harui pushed Ichigo off him, and flung towards Ichigo, ready to release his Zanpaktou. "Oh no you don't" Ichigo said. "Bankai!" Ichigo shouted, wanting to end this fight. 'i can't let him unleash his Zanpaktou without having any idea as to what it is'. Ichigo thought as he waited for Harui to approach. Harui dived towards Ichigo, and Ichigo, with the speed of light, went around Harui and slashed him in the back. Harui fell to the ground, with pure shock written on his face. "How in the hell." Harui began, breathing heavily. "How did you move so fast? And that blow felt like much more than a stab in the back". Ichigo looked down at the now defeated Harui. "It was my Bankai. Maybe if you wouldn't have spent so much time bullshitting around, you would have realized that." Ichigo then realized he needed to get back to Orihime before someone finds his body. Ichigo felt a sharp pain in his arm. He lifted up the arm of his robe to reveal a gash in his arm. "Gee, thanks." Ichigo said sarcastically to Harui. Harui smirked. "Now, I will be taking you to Kisuke Urahara. Don't bother fighting me anymore." Harui's face went a total blue. "K-k-isuke? Ur-urahara?" "Yup. Looks like you know each other. Then, lets go." Ichigo took Harui to Kisuke's shop, and explained the situation. Kisuke did not seem to be his usually "happy" self. That faded when he saw Harui. "Thank you" said Kisuke. "I will be sure to inform you of his status later. Right now, just worry on getting back to school." Ichigo smiled. "Thanks Kisuke. See ya." Ichigo left the shop and flashstepped towards the school. He soon saw Orihime on the roof, and flashstepped to her. "Ichigo!" Cried Orihime. Ichigo got into his Gegi (body) and hugged Orihime. "I was so worried! Did you get hurt?" Orihime said, looking up at Ichigo. "Well, I did get slashed on my arm, but that should be gone since I was in my soul r-" Ichigo looked down at his arm, and there was a scar. "Um, Ichigo?" Orihime said, looking at Ichigo's arm. "Do you want me to try and heal it?" Ichigo smiled. "No actually, I don't like to get rid of scars. They are like badges from battles." Orihime smiled. "Okay, but we should be going home now." Ichigo's eyes widened. "What, really?! Have I been gone for that long?!" Orihime chuckled. "Yes, but thats fine. Lets go home!" Orihime said, and they walked off the roof and to the sidewalk together, holding hands. They were holding hands, walking on the side walk until "GSOSHWIEGDYB28;!&8" Ichigo tripped.

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