(Thirteen: For Forever *Reprise)

Start from the beginning

"Absolutely not." Remus glared.

James pouted, "Aw, c'mon. We all know you're friends with Evans. Just put in a good word for me? Make her think I'm not a manipulative immature prat?"

"Says the man currently blackmailing one of his best mates with the concept of wet socks." Sirius chipped in, ever eager to inflate the situation.

James shrugged, "I never said it needed to be true."

"There you go, Moony." Sirius leaned backwards, grinning, "You can tell Evans that at least he's a self aware prat."

The portrait swung open, and Alex Fawley scrambled through the portrait hole, camera banging carelessly on the wooden flooring. Sirius' eyes unconsciously jumped to her, though he reminded himself that, in this form, he had no claim on calling the girl a friend, or an anything really. There was something different about her today, however, that it was impossible not to notice.

Even the way she stood, calmly surveying the room without the slightest fidget, was odd. Her fingers didn't tap that off-beat melody on her sides that he doubted she was even aware she had made a habit of. She was quite clearly making eye contact with several people around the room, actual eye contact. It was like watching a really good actor when they stopped acting, the way that even their physicality changes.

"Padfoot." Remus muttered. Sirius jumped- he hadn't even noticed the werewolf move closer, "You're staring."

"You don't think Fawley's acting weird?" Sirius indicated with a nod in Alex's direction. Remus frowned in the direction suggested.

Remus cocked an eyebrow, "Um... No? She's just... standing. Probably looking for Logan. Is that what this is about? Are you jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous of someone else when I've already fallen madly in love with you?" Sirius gave Remus a small smile, a shadow of his usual smirk, before returning his gaze to Alex.

Remus muttered something unintelligible, but no doubt predictably dark and gloomy. Sirius would've grinned under normal circumstances, but those were not the kind that displayed themselves to him today.

"Truth or dare!" Someone was calling. That inevitable, plot driving device that was yelled at least once a week in the Gryffindor common room. James, apparently having divulged the socks to their original owner, bounced across the room to sit beside Gideon Prewett, who had spoken.

Truth or dare was tacky.

Truth or dare was from the bedrooms of not-quite-teenage girls.

Truth or dare was unoriginal and overplayed and inarguably never as fun as you thought it would be.

And not a single Gryffindor would be caught out not playing.

Well, maybe one.

Sirius watched Alex Fawley with a frown as she joined the circle, plopping herself down confidently next to a group of fourth years that she had never spoken to. Slowly, he got up and sat opposite her, leaning his back against the front of the worn old sofa. He was far enough away across the Common Room to be able to observe her without anyone noticing. Alex had never played truth or dare, or not since Sirius could remember. She had always made some excuse, or found a way to not be in the Tower in the evening. It was like clockwork.

Why, then, was Alex Fawley grinning around at the world around her as if she had some secret weapon? Why was Alex Fawley grinning at all?

"Who's first?" James grinned around at the circle.

To pretty much everyone's surprise, the voice did not emanate from Sirius Black, but Alex Fawley. Quiet, sweet, awkward little Alex Fawley, who was about as far from Gryffindor as was possible inside of that room.

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