Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16


Original POV

I smile as I slowly open my eyes, revealing Severus, Narcissa, Lucius, and Sirius all huddled around my bedside.

"She's awake!" squealed Narcissa as she nuzzled her face against the palm of my hand I was holding.

"Kathrin..." mumbled Lucius. He never did say much at all.

"Kat..." Sirius said and leaned down, nuzzling his face against my own. I smile and pat down some of his hair, turning and pecking his lips gently before turning to Severus.

I feel white hot anger towards my brother. He tried to kill me twice this year. "Kathrin." he whispered.

"Severus." I say in undertone.

The vibe in the room went from adornment to hatred within seconds. The room had grown colder - me and Severus' stares were getting harder.

Severus swooped down and hugged me as he sobs into the crook of my neck.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he choked out and hugged me closer. Sirius and the other two stood back and watched the family bonding moment.

I rub Severus' hair gently. "Severus, it's all ri-"

"No!" he shrieked and hugged tighter than ever before. I could barely breathe. "It's not all right! I could've killed you!" he choked and sobbed.

I blink. I was forgiving him...

"Severus, relax."

Sirius was speaking now. He placed a hand gently onto Severus' shoulder as Severus continued to sob apologies. "You didn't want anybody to steal your sister away, and you tried to ensure that." Sirius' eyes connected with mine.

"Though some of us don't like your method."

Severus continued to sob and hug me. I never though he'd be so clingy.


I glance around the girl's dormitory and sigh. Finally, the last day of the sixth year of Hogwarts. I smile to myself as Narcissa strides up.

"Kat, hurry before Severus and Lucius leave without us."

"I know." I say, and she leaves to pack the rest of her rucksack.

I look at the picture I held in the frame in my hands. The moving photograph was of me and Sirius, as well as Severus, all drinking butterbeers the week before school ended. The picture included me, smiling as Sirius and Severus draped their arms around each other's shoulders. That was a good day - especially since shortly after the picture was taken, James and Lily appeared as me and Sirius were in a deep kiss.

I stash it away, closing my rucksack and heaving it away downstairs.


I sigh as I look out the train car window.


I turn to the boy holding my hand, and he grips it harder. "Kat, you okay?"

I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." I smile and kiss Sirius' cheek.

He smiles and Severus looks up from his book across from us.

"Severus, don't be so stingy, you said we could kiss in front of you."

Severus nods, burying his face into his book again.

Sirius smiles and kisses my hand gently.

I look out the window again.

I broke up with my long-term boyfriend and got together with his best friend. My own brother attempted to kill me twice - one reason not even he knows why.

I never wanted my sixth year to end like this. But it did.

And I think I like it better this way.

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