Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14


I stare at the black dog in front of me. Now it all fits...that look like a sad dog when I turn down a date...the shaggy hair...the growl of a voice and bark of a laugh. It all just...makes sense.

Sirius waits for Gregory before turning human. I must have been crying...he was wiping away tears. Why was I crying? Was I scared? Angry? What was I feeling?

Sirius' face looked concerned. "Kat...I-I never meant for you to know so soon...I-I'm sorry if it's a lot of pressure on you." he said, his voice cracking every now and then.

I touched his face gently. He was crying too. Jeez, today was emotional.

"Sirius..." I mumbled, and brought him close to kiss me. He gladly returned it, and somewhat rejected letting me leave the kiss. Sadly, I had to.

"Sirius!" called a voice, and I recognized it as Peter's. Remus was jogging behind, and James was nowhere to be found.

"Gregory...h-he said..." sputtered Peter as he caught his breath.

I sighed. "I'm going to the common room." I stood.

Sirius grabbed my arm. "Kat, wait, I-"

"Enough." this time, Remus had said something.

We all turn to him in disbelief - he never speaks out when somebody else is talking.

I glare at him. "And what right do you have to control me? If I may remind you, I am older."

"By a week!" Remus retorts rather angrily.

"A week, seven days, one hundred and sixty-eight hours, may I continue, or do you get the point?" I say, standing closer to Remus.

We're a few inches apart.

Peter clears his throat. "D-Don't fight!" he stutters and squeezes himself between me and Remus. "W-We're all friends here, right?"

I snarl at Remus. "He's never had control over me, and I won't allow him to now." I walk towards the common room, leaving Peter, Remus, and Sirius behind.

What have I done getting attached to this gang?


I sit in the common room crying. That's right, crying. Too many heartbreaks in one year. I'm scared Sirius might break up with me - I was so rude to one of his closest friends.

I feel arms wrap around me. I notice them as a boy's arms. Then I remember the warmth...

"Severus..." I whimper and turn around, hugging him.

"Kathrin..." he mumbled and nuzzles my head as he sits beside me.

"Severus...I messed up! I messed up being with those boys...they cause so much trouble in my life...I'm sorry I never listened!"

I could've sworn I felt Severus smirk.

"Avada Kedavra."

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