A Kiss on the Cheek: Friendship

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The End of the Show Show was starting just now and a feeling of happiness spread in his body. Different then at the beginning of the show. Much more intensive. With every show it reaches deeper.

He never cared about where it came from. Just took it the way it was and he was looking forward to it every time. Sure, the beginning was just as important. Their small ritual. A backslap and wishing luck. But what would come after the show was better than anything else. Dec doesn't know who or when it started. They just did it and it became a matter of course.

Finally the show was over. The last notes fade away. The fans' cheers and clapping reached his ears. Another one of those inexplicable feelings. A hand on his shoulder made him take his eyes from the crowd. Instead he looked into sparkling emerald eyes. Ant felt exactly the same.

They took one more bow and walked off stage, still close to each other. They beamed at each other. Pulling Ant close, Dec just held him in his arms for a moment. Slowly he turned his head and pressed a slight kiss on his friend's cheek. Seconds later he felt Ant's lips on his own cheek.

Just like after every show. A tight hug and a slight kiss on the cheek. Again that feeling of happiness took over his body which led to him pulling Ant just that little bit closer. Holding him in his arms for a moment longer, probably longer than necessary. Who cares? He surely didn't and Ant had never complained. In the contrary.

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