Chapter Three- Gym Hour

Start from the beginning

"What the Fu-."

I was cut off by somebody hand covering my lips it was Jamoo ugly ass. Me nd Londan know him from middle school.. He went out with an old Friend name davion. But she go to a different school I think they still talk though.

"Move with yo ugly ass Jamoo"

Why I gotta be ugly Shorty that all you say pumpkin Head.

Why the fuck you just call me dat you doing the most for Nothing I told him.

"Natavia walker.?"

Mrs. Rose just now calling my name. "Here". I said texting Londan.

La-la: look up lbvs..!

A minutes later I got text back..

la-la: Wow

Londan class was done with talking attendance I guess so she started walking over to us.

(◆Londan )

What y'all on.? I asked in a happy ass why..!

Talking about me but look who thirsty..

I laughed ... really.

Who over there that you know.?

Asked Jamoo...


I know all them niggas over der witch on you like.?

Boii I don't even know the first of all Goofy. But the on with the snapback Cute asf...

Jamoo laughed.!

"You like Naje. "

He looked Right in my eyes as he asked the question like he could tell if I was gonna lie or not.

"Umm.. Tbh I really don't know the boii but I mean he Not ugly

that's all I know"

First the rest of the hour we talked and laughed.


Though that time every time I looked a Naje he was already staring at like in my head I was happy then it was wired.


When the bell ringed me and Natavia and Jamoo when our separate ways. But said goodbye and we a oovoo after school..


As I was making my way out the gym doors I felt somebody poll my arm.

I look and it was Naje .

Ayye can I talk to you.?

As I looked at his light brown eyes. I could see he was nervous to talk to me but I'm not showing my mean said today ima save that for later.

Umm...  Yeahh

Ohh Yeah I was wondering What yo name was Shorty..?

Ohh Londan.!

Cute name you got a number?

Yeah why.? Cause I wanna get to know you.

I smiled... ain't you the one that was breaking you neck to look at my sister.?

Naww lil Mama you must was looking to hard cause I was looking at you not Deeree funny ass.

I looked at him with that you didn't just try to treat me face. Don't look at me with that face lil girl..!

I'm not trying to treat you. Can you read my mine or some shit cause dat shit was to creepy like Wtf ...

But you never gave me yo number..?

Give me yo number. I polled out my iPhone and gave it to him. he smiled. "

Here You go."

And Naje.? He said Yeah looking surprised I knew his name...  I like yo car cause its my favorite color.

Ayye and on more thing you a junior or a softmore????

He said Softmore..! As he  walked of and I went on my way to find Deeree...


30 minutes later

I was at home getting all my paper sighed ready to get otp and cake it or oovoo...





update coming soon

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